Monday, July 6, 2015

FREE PRINTABLE training schedules to get YOUR BEST BODY EVER!!!!

If what you are currently doing for your training schedule isn't getting you the results you want... Try one that looks like this!

You can mix and match the days, or even the muscle groups I have you training, but make sure you get them all in!  Write what YOU plan to do on each day of the week under the body part I have you training.

You can use MY youtube workouts and make them fit here, or do another workout you prefer!

If you have not watched my video that talks about how these printables work... It's HERE

And click HERE to get my youtube workouts. 

If you're just starting out in your fitness jury, or have taken a lot of time off from working out, start here!

If you have been working out for a while and are fit, your workout schedule should look something like this!!! (P.S.  If you attend my fitness classes, I do this for you!)

 If you've already got a training schedule that works for you, or you have a trainer or doctor giving you a specific weekly workout schedule, here is a blank one to help keep you on track!

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