Sunday, June 28, 2015

Danielle's 30 day EM Extreme weight-loss program BEFORE/AFTER!

Danielle was a DREAM to train!!! She made the program seem easy.... and believe me, IT IS NOT!!! every week she would check-in and say, "everything went great Erin!!!!  Did all the workouts and ate perfectly!"  and her dedication Paid off!!!! (as you can see)... Side note, Danielle has since let me know she is down another 3 lb's, so I took the LIBERTY of changing her stats to reflect that!!!! WOW!  She has made permanent changes to her life and they will continue to pay off!!!! GREAT JOB Danielle!!!

I love that we can do it ALL from home so it is super family friendly. So here is my story!

First and foremost, I am a wife and mom to two kiddos, Cheyenne is 7 and Colton is 4. My most important job is taking care of them and creating a happy healthy household for all of us.

I am 40 years old 5'4" tall and have always been active, fairly health conscious, but have been able to eat just about anything I want. In the last few years, I have noticed my weight slowly creeping up and hit 148 one day and I was not happy with that!! I had been running, 6 miles 4 or 5x per week but I was not getting the results that I wanted. My body was not changing AT ALL!

After starting the program, I realized how much junk I was eating. Finishing my kids mac and cheese, eating goldfish crackers and cheeze-its on a daily basis. Glass of wine every couple of days. Popcorn. Candy bar at the check out line. Cheese burger at McDonalds during an extended trip to town. Lots of cheese, salami, and wine tasting at work. It was endless and it was almost invisible and did not exist in my mind until I stopped. So many temptations...the first week was hard but it got easier every day. I started noticing results within a week! My muscles tone was starting to show and the fat was melting away!

Loved the food prep; I always have meals to grab and go. NEVER be caught without a meal is a great thing to live by.....leaves no room for mistakes!

I am super competitive and I love to race off-road motorcycles. All winter I train for an event in April so I am super excited to use these tools to prepare my body and kick some butt next year. In the mean-time, I plan to keep up the food and exercises that you have given us and keep strengthening and leaning out my body. I feel empowered that I can do this for my body and so quick! Super awesome and that power is priceless:)

Weight 144
Waist 30
Hips 40
Thigh 24
Chest 39

Day 30:
Weight 134 
Waist 29
Hips 39
Thigh 22
Chest 37

Lost 10 lbs and lost 6 inches total!

2 lbs from my super fit college weight:)
I will send pics tomorrow. Let me know if you would like any more information! Thanks again!



My NEXT EXTREME 30 day program STARTS July 11th!!!! To learn more about it click HERE

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