Thursday, April 30, 2015


All you need is a chair and a stretchy band to PUSH THAT TUSH HIGH AND TIGHT!!!!  This workout HITS THE SPOT!!! Right in the center of your gluts!!!! Lets do this!!!!

I recommend making an entire Butt workout out of this video!!!   Try and repeat it for a total of 4 times!!!! (Twice on each leg!!!!!)

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Stephanie's KICK BUTT Before &..... continued!!!! :)

I ran into Stephanie in the supermarket the other day and about FELL OVER!!!! She looked so lean and AWESOME!!!  She really makes fitness a family affair, (which is not an easy thing to do!!!!)  Not only does she push herself even while fighting fatigue... SHE HAS THE BEST ZUMBA BODY ROLL I HAVE EVER SEEN!!!!

Timing is everything. I tried personal training with Erin a while back. Although I was doing it with some good friends, I wasn't ready. I can come up with excuses, but that's all they would be. Excuses. I have followed Erin on facebook, and trying recipes here and there. Struggling with everyday exhaustion, and not eating right. Then I saw that Erin was offering a fully remote version of her workouts and meal plans. I knew what I was in for, and I knew to trust the foods Erin would have me preparing.

The timing was right. It was time to really get my food in line, and learn how to fit working out everyday into my life.

I made the food, I did (some) of the workouts. Having the food pre planned was great. The fact I didn't have to go anywhere to workout, even better.

There is no "after" for me, as I struggle everyday with food. On the days that all my meals are premade it is SO much easier to eat right. But I still have days when I come home, so, so tired, and ready to eat everything in my house.

I am still running the program, and preparing the food, and fitting in those workouts (which are killer, but you learn to love feeling sore). 

I am riding my bike with my kids on the weekends now. 

I am down a net 12 pounds
And I am still working at all of the pieces to my health for a better whole...but not an "after".

The attached pic is of me and my SIL before the sprint triathlon at Carey Lake last summer. I am doing it again this year. In even better fitness than I was then.

The next 
EM 30 Day Sweating For Summer Fitness Program!!!! STARTS MONDAY MAY 11TH!!!! To learn more about it, click HERE

Monday, April 27, 2015


I LOVE dishes I can make in 1 pot.... MAKE TONS... and have them to eat all week!!! This is one of those!!!  Double, triple quadruple this recipe and have healthy meals on the go!

Serves 4

1 cup quinoa, cooked according to package directions
2 large red peppers, roughly chopped
2 green onions, thinly sliced
2 cups chopped fresh pineapple, (or no sugar added canned pineapple)
½ cup + 2 tablespoons chopped macadamia nuts (optional, you could use other nuts, or none at all)
1 batch cilantro honey lime vinaigrette (recipe follows)
Cilantro for garnish

Cilantro Lime Vinaigrette
½ cup lime juice
3 tablespoons honey
1 teaspoon dijon mustard
1 cup loosely packed cilantro
3 tablespoons olive oil
Salt and pepper


Toss quinoa with peppers, onions, pineapple, nuts and cilantro vinaigrette. Add more vinaigrette to suite your taste, you may not need it all. Season with salt and pepper in your serving bowl.

For the vinaigrette:
Add lime juice, honey, dijon and cilantro to a mini food processor. Turn on and blend until combine and cilantro is in tiny pieces. With the mixer on, add olive oil. Season to taste with salt and pepper.

*Make this your own... If you don't like something, leave it out!  Add other veggies you may like...  Change up the fruit... MANGO? Peaches?  or leave the fruit out entirely!!!  All up to you!!!
Also, if you like things a little spicy... add a little Sritacha!!!!

Bang'n biceps & Sculpted Shoulders

In my own personal quest for more defined arms and sculpted shoulders,  I bring you...... My Bang'n Biceps & Sculpted Shoulder workout!!!

Here is how I recommend you incorporate this set into your full workout!!!  Start with my new workout below.... Then... (see below screen)

Throw in my shoulder shred workout, HERE

End your round with my sleek shoulders workout, HERE

*Repeat the entire circuit above for a total of 45-60 minutes!

Friday, April 24, 2015

MORE results from my "30 day countdown to your Best Summer body!!!!"

Nikki is a constant motivation to me!!! When she started working out with me and explained the Crazy health problems she lived with every day I though.... "It's AMAZING this girl is even out of bed!!!!"  And not only was she out of bed, but she is CONSTANTLY UPBEAT AND HAPPY PLUS she showed up to class on that first day and you would have thought she had been a regular for years!!!!!  My classes are intense, and many have to, well... kind of ease into them... NOT NIKKI!!!! She was off and running from day 1!!!!   And NOW LOOK AT HER!!!!!  Her transformation has little to do with me and EVERYTHING to do with Nikki's KILLER WORK ETHIC!!!!


Nikki's Before & After!
(pictured above)

Last year I made a commitment to be kind to myself. I realized I was always putting myself last and expecting more and more from my already exhausted self. My body was weak and my health was deteriorating. My work and family life were chaotic and filled with stress. Be Kind to Yourself became my mantra. I no longer beat myself up emotionally for my shortcomings and suddenly I began losing weight. It really was pretty unintentional and I was surprised the first time I noticed the drop in weight on the scale at the doctor’s office. My clothes started to loosen up and I started weighing myself each week and found that I was losing about a pound a week. Soon I decided to give myself a goal of losing 52 pounds in 52 weeks starting with my last recorded high in March 2014. After the New Year I was looking to strengthen my body. I had an illness several years before that left me with little muscle mass. In August I also had a neck and shoulder injury that made it difficult to even pick up my phone. I wanted to try a Barre class since they focus on legs and Erin’s fitness page appeared in my Facebook newsfeed. I took the plunge and hit my goal within weeks of joining.

Working out with Erin at EM Fitness was exactly what I needed to take my mantra of Be Kind to Yourself to the next level. Now, I don’t think anyone who has hauled their butt out of bed at 4 am to attend Erin’s hour long all-out assault on their gluts would refer to it as Kind. But EM Fitness was taking me to the next level, Be Good to Yourself. I chose to do what was good for me, not what was easy. I just had that one hour to give my body what it desperately needed, strength and endurance. I ended up taking five classes a week. Though I had gotten a few comments about looking better and I was able to squeeze into the next size down after losing 50lbs, I have never seen results like I got right off the bat with Erin. Within days of working out people were constantly commenting on how great I was doing. I had lost 50 and about one size in a year, but with Erin I lost a little over a pound a week and dropped FOUR SIZES!! Everything was tightening up, I was getting stronger, and my health was improving.

Seven weeks in Erin posts her 30 day challenge. God help me I signed up and immediately regretted my decision. But, after making my body do unbelievable things every day I was ready to give it the fuel it deserved. Honestly, I probably would have paid just to have someone plan my meals! The food is so delicious and my whole family got involved in cooking together. My 11 year old daughter told me she loved it when we all prepared dinner together. It really is a great way to stay connected and hear everyone’s stories from the day. I slept better than I have in, well…actually better than I have slept in my entire life! I was more rested on 6 hours a night than when I was getting 8+ and heading home on my lunch breaks to take a nap. I kept shedding the inches as I watched all those fat stores disappear one roll and jiggle at a time. I don’t think I truly realized how much Erin had done for me until I had no other choice than to use what was easily the scariest port-a-potty I had ever been in. Thank you Chair Pose and Wall Sits! Oh how I desperately wanted to get out of chair pose in class and how many times I cursed and swore when after doing 30 or so wall sits I heard “now give me 12” (you’ve got to be kidding me!) followed by “now stay low…don’t stand up!” (WHAT?!) But when it was all on the line and my bladder was screaming about the 64+ ounces I had drank over the last hour of our road trip I literally exclaimed, “bless you Erin!” as I easily and comfortably hovered inches over that terrifying seat.

During the 30 day challenge I dropped 6 pounds and 23.5 inches. The last time I weighed this much the clothes I wore were THREE SIZES LARGER! Talk about recipes and work outs designed to trim the fat and lean you out! Though I took before photos, I have been searching for some I wouldn’t mind being on Facebook. This is where the big eye opener was. I have almost no photos of myself and if I do I’m hiding behind someone. It’s as if I don’t exist in my own life. I’m a little over a quarter of the way to my next goal. I’m being kind and good to myself and I have the confidence and energy to show up in my own life. It took me 11 months to take it up a notch and put myself in Erin’s hands. In just 11 weeks she has challenged me EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. And I have seen results that will last because it’s not just weight loss, its muscle gain, new habits, and a near addiction to these classes.

To see MORE before and afters from previous 30 day programs click HERE

To learn about the next 30 Day "Sweating For Summer Fitness Program!!!!" STARTING MONDAY MAY 11TH, click HERE

Thursday, April 23, 2015

EM 30 Day Sweating For Summer Fitness Program!!!! STARTS MONDAY MAY 11TH!!!!

To see the before and afters from previous 30 day programs click HERE

This plan is NO JOKE, So if you're not ready to WORK, move along now.   The 30 Day countdown to your best summer body plan is UNIQUE in that it is designed to give you the BEST, FASTEST, HARDCORE results possible in 30 days!  

If you're tired of WISHING for YOUR perfect body, If you're ready to feel AMAZING this summer, and if you are ready to GIVE ME EVERYTHING YOU GOT for 30 days, Than you're ready for this!

What you will receive:

Custom weekly Fat blasting meal plans!  These meal plans are very specific, and designed to give you MAXIMUM leanness is 30 days!

Daily youtube workouts, taught by me, and designed to build lean muscle and shed body fat FAST!

Phone and online support

Daily motivation

Weekly weigh-ins and progress updates

Beginning and ending fitness evaluation.

In return....

YOU WILL Workout for 60 minutes 6 days a week

YOU WILL follow the meal plans to the T with NO EXCUSES

YOU WILL report and communicate with me about any problems, concerns, and progress.


Total cost for the program is $290.00

To register, email me at

or message me on Facebook, 
BEFORE Friday May 8TH!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

May 2015 Fitness Class Schedule!!!!

The Results Are In for my "30 day countdown to your Best Summer body!!!!"

30 short days ago was the start of the EM Health & Fitness 30 day coutdown to your best summer body program!!! 

If you want to know more about the program, click HERE

 Well, The results are in... and They are AMAZING!!!!!

Stay tuned all week for more before and after pics! 

Also... the next round of our 30 Day Countdown series will be starting 
May 11th!!! 
More info is coming!!!!!

Here is what Jade, (pictured above) had to say about the experience!

"My name is Jade. I signed up for erin Murphys 30 days to your best summer body program because I was tired of being insecure with my body after having my 3 beautiful daughters. It has forever changed my life! After eating clean for 30 days I have more energy and just feel 100% better in every aspect of my life. She gave me the tools I needed to change my eating habits and workout routines. In 30 days I lost 20.5 pounds and about 10 inches! It was hard but oh so worth it! I have changed my habits and am hoping to get my last 20 pounds off by my 30th birthday in august. If I can do this I will have met a goal I have been working on for over 5 years with no results. Erin has truly changed my life, and I am so grateful. :)"

Now... All of you out there who are impressed with Jade's results.... YOU SHOULD BE!!!!!!  I just have to say..... THIS GIRL DID EVERYTHING EXACTLY THE WAY I ASKED HER TO DO IT!!!!  She did not stray from her eating plan or workout schedule even ONCE!!!! And look what she accomplished in just 30 short days!!!!  


If you want results like Jade's, you can have them, but you BETTER BE WILLING TO COMMIT AND WORK!!! She DID IT!!!!   

Laura's Before and After

Before                                                           After

Laura is the HOTTEST grandma I know!!! (CAN YOU FREAKING BELIEVE SHE IS A GRANDMOTHER?!?!)   I can only PRAY I look as beautifuL AND young, as she does when I am a grandma!!! 

I LOVE training Laura!!! She is an amazing cook and is so dilligent about her clean eating that she sends ME healthy recipies!!!!  She also ATTENDS ALL MY CLASSES religisly!!!



Here's what Laura had to say!

"I am stronger inside and out than I was. Approximately 30 pounds lighter! I challenge myself continually and learn how and when to treat myself."

Saturday, April 18, 2015

FREE!!!! Detoxing &Toning POOL SIDE pilates EVENT!!!!!

Welcome to spring in Ellensburg!!!!

Join ME, 
may 15th from 6:30-7:30pm 
For an awesome detoxing and toning 

POOL SIDE Pilates work out!

Get tuned up this summer with a complimentary fitness class poolside led by, ME.... Personal Trainer ERIN MURPHY!!!!

Everyone is welcome, and again, it's FREE, so invite your local pals over to the EM Health & Fitness studio for this spring outdoor fitness event!

330 Little Badger Lane
Ellensburg wa

If you're not Foam Rolling, YOU NEED TO START!!!!

Massage and flexibility should not be seen as a chore but rather as an independent training session that prepares the body for your next hard workout. The benefits of Remedial Massage are well known and there are also some great self-massage techniques that can be done using a foam roller.
While not quite as effective as a professional Remedial Massage, if used regularly it can go a long way towards improving your flexibility and recovery post training. Here are the 4 main benefits of using exercise foam rollers.


Flexibility is especially important for sports like swimming and running (where it can help improve your performance) and can greatly help reduce injuries in sports like cycling.


Lactic acid can pool in the muscles leaving you feeling lethargic and heavy in the legs the day after a hard session. Using a foam roller after your workout and on recovery days can help reduce soreness and tightness.


The foam roller is a once off purchase of around $30-$40 and will last you for years. It can be used in the comfort of your own home and completed whilst watching TV or chatting with your family or friends. Small rollers can also be taken away with you on trips.


After hard workouts your muscles become tense due to the stress they have been placed under. If unattended, knots can form in the muscles which can then lead to injury. By using a foam roller you can ‘iron out’ the tight spots which can prevent injury trigger points.


Foam rollers are very versatile in that they can be used on any part of the body. Aim for 1 minute on each muscle group unless you find any particularly sore sports that you may want to spend more time on in order to release. A session should last up to 20mins and you should aim for 2-3 sessions per week.
There are some great foam roller exercises described on the poster above

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Chocolate Crepes!!! My GO-2 when I'm craving sweets but really trying to lean out my body!!!!

Many days I will have them for both breakfast and my meal #6 (dessert before bed)!

Chocolate Crepes
Serves 1

1/2 T Hersey’s Special Dark Cocoa
1 1/2 t Vanilla extract
2 T Stevia
5 Egg whites

- Blend all ingredients in a food processor or blender until smooth.
- Spray non-stick spray on small crepe pan and heat. (make sure your pan is hot before pouring your crepe batter in
- Pour batter in to the pan.
- Flip in 1 minute or so.
-Usually makes 2 large crepe’s for me, but you can make as many as you want with the batter you have depending on how big you make them.
- Fill with a handful of berries or with Walden’s Zero Calorie Chocolate Sauce or maple syrup

* Note:  I am not a huge chocolate fan, so I make mine cinnamon bun.  All you do is replace the dark cocoa with a TBS or more of cinnamon, and 1 tbs of Vanilla extract. 

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Saddlebags are only for cowboys! printable workout!

Here is an exclusive printable workout you can take with you ANYWHERE, or do at home!!!

Simply click on the workout and drag and drop, or print it off. :)

Start with page 1, then move to page 2.  Repeat the 2 pages back to back for a total of 45 minutes. :)

REMEMBER, TAKE EACH MOVE TO FAILER.  if you can do more than the 15 or 20 reps I ask you to do, DO MORE!!!!



Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The Ballet Barre Buns workout!!!

Back by popular demand.... Barre workout number 2!!!!

As your own personal trainer, this is what I would have you do!

*You will need a stretchy band and and ankle weight!

Follow the order I have below EXACTLY!!!!

Start with the Booty blaster Barre workout 1 TIME THROUGH (right leg DOWN on the floor).  Link to the workout is HERE

Then do the Ballet Barre Buns workout (BELOW) 1 TIME THROUGH (ALSO right leg DOWN on the floor) 

THEN repeat the ENTIRE SERIES ABOVE, this time with the LEFT LEG DOWN.

End the workout with Ballet Barre Buns TWO MORE TIMES THROUGH, Once on each leg!

The entire workout should take you just under 60 minutes.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Why weighing yourself daily is sabotaging your weight loss efforts!!!!!

jillian michaels Said it perfectly......

MYTH: Weighing Yourself Daily Will Help You Stay on Track

Stepping on the scale doesn't have to be a scary event for yearly doctor's visits – and it also doesn't have to be a daily torture ritual. There is a happy medium in there – I'll help you find it.
The Truth: I recommend that people weigh themselves once a week, at the same time every week. Weighing yourself every day can have a negative impact on you.
For so many of us the scale is a source of stress and self-loathing, but it really shouldn't be. Don't think of the scale as anything other than a compass — something we use when losing weight to keep us going in the right direction. It tells us what's going on with our bodies so we can effectively modify our regimen to ensure continued weight loss. It's just a tool — no more and no less. So how frequently should you consult it? Here’s my opinion on the topic:
Your weight varies throughout the day. Not only does your weight change every day, it also changes at different times through a single day, so there is no point to weighing yourself every day — and definitely not multiple times a day.This is because of body fluid fluctuations –— you might be retaining water from too much sodium consumption, or you may not have gone to the bathroom yet (gross, but true). All of these things affect your weight. The issue with checking the scale DAILY, is that minor fluctuations can freak people out — or discourage them from their weight-loss efforts. Instead, take photos , body measurements, and judge yourself by your fitness endurance and how your clothes are fitting you.
To use the scale effectively, you should weigh yourself once a week. I want you to weigh yourself once a week at the same time, on the same day of the week, wearing similar clothing, and most importantly, ON THE SAME SCALE. I tell my members to do this on Wednesday and remember it as “weigh-in Wednesday,” but do whatever day works best for you. Weighing yourself just once a week will give you a more accurate read — you’ll allow time for the scale to actually show weight loss. The number on the scale will help you figure out if you need to make adjustments to what you’re eating or how you’re exercising. Keep in mind that half a pound to two pounds is a realistic weight loss so don’t expect results like the Biggest Loser contestants.
NEVER weighing yourself is a bad idea. Are you one of those people who doesn’t weigh themselves all year, and then finally steps on the scale at their annual physical? This isn’t the right way to go either! Never weighing yourself and, instead, determining how "healthy" you are by how you feel, isn’t the best method. To know how healthy you are is to know that number on the scale. If you’re in maintenance mode (and not trying lose weight), I’d still suggest you weigh yourself once a week, or at least twice a week. Your weight is a total picture of your overall health, and it’s good to keep tabs on yourself.
The Bottom Line: Confront the scale and find the right day for your weekly weigh in’s and stick with it so it turns into a habit.
-jillian michaels

Also, let me (Erin) add....

Muscle occupies less space than fat, yet weighs more!


Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The Foam Roller Workshop Friday April 17th

The workshop is being held at the EM Health & Fitness Studio
330 Little Badger Lane
Ellensburg, WA 98926
Questions call 509.899.5253
There is limited space so get in ASAP!

Email to register