Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Stuff you need to know

We will not be holding classes on Halloween

On Friday, Kids Zumba has moved from 3:30 pm to 4:00 pm.
Many of the kids would prefer to ride the bus to the studio after school and the bus arrives at 3:45pm, so class now will start at 4pm

Our Local Fred Meyer now sells PB2!!!!
Its in the health food section, go get some today!

For more info on PB2 Click here

Monday, October 29, 2012

Screaming booty workout

Click on the pic to view!

HHSG Day 13,14 & 15 MAKE TIME!

I want to share one of my all time favorite fitness quotes 

This weekend I "kinda" squeaked in all my workouts.  Here's what I mean by, "kinda"; 

I'm finding myself doing everything but exercising!  I find every excuse to do other things instead of my workout!

I work from home, which is AWESOME! But my work and home life kinda get all jumbled together.  It can feel like I never get anything accomplished because, I'll start a work project, and then notice that dishes need to be done.  I'll head to the gym to work on my fitness video, and walk past the bathroom and notice that it needs to be cleaned.  Then my son gets home from school and I have 9 million more reasons why I don't have time to work out! Needless to say,  I get side tracked easily.

I've been letting everything come before my workout, then, by the time I get to it, I'm exhausted, and I do some little weak pathetic attempt at a workout and call it good.   




It took every ounce of willpower to leave it and walk to my gym for a workout, but I did it!!!! AND I GOT THE MOST AMAZING LOWER BODY WORKOUT!  I had tons of energy, did about a million walking lunges, and felt so good I folded all the laundry after word, cleaned the kitchen, made enough turkey meatballs to last a week, and started a new section of my website where I post some of my favorite exercises!!!!

I've gotten tons done this morning so-far, and I'm not stressing all day about when I'm gonna work out!

Now, mind you, it wasn't just about walking past that laundry.  I had to get up at 4:45 am to fit it in today, BUT I DID THAT TOO!

We're all busy!  Don't make excuses like me!  MAKE IT HAPPEN!

Today's workout
This morning: Lower body!!! KILLER!

This evening: Cardio Zombie Zumba Party!!!!  

Friday, October 26, 2012

HHSG DAY 11 & 12 Being honest with myself!

Healthy Holiday Survival Guide

Day 11 & 12
Being honest with myself... poo!
I Realized something AGAIN yesterday...
I try not to lie to others, (well, not on a regular basis anyway) LOL!

(I did lie to my dentist the other day when I told him I floss DAY AND NIGHT) SERIOUSLY!!!! DOES ANYONE FLOSS ON A REGULAR BASES?!?!

I justified LYING because I don't even think my DENTIST flosses on a regular bases. I even got those little "floss picks" so that I'd floss more... didn't help. :(


I re-read this AWESOME article by one of my FITNESS IDOLS, Tosca Reno. I love it so much, I'm posting it here for everyone to read.


(Click on the pic to make it bigger)

Reading this, I realized There are MORE than a few things I'm not being honest with myself about, the biggest one is my DIET! **** GASP ****    (I know, I'm a fitness professional, I should know better)

I generally eat very healthy and clean.  I don't eat a lot of processed foods, I eat TONS of FRUITS AND VEGGIES, And I LOVE to cook and find new healthy recipes that my family loves!   THERE IN LIES MY PROBLEM,


And I'm committing a cardinal sin of healthy heating, I have justified to myself that because what I am eating is healthy and clean, I can eat MORE of it!  My portion sizes, and little extra snacks, though healthy, HAVE GOTTEN OUT OF CONTROL.

For example, I LOVE ALMONDS and when I need a little extra snack I grab a hand full of them.  (sounds fine right)   Lately I've been grabbing a hand full every time I walk by the almond jar!  The calories are adding up without me even realizing it!!!!

There are approximately 160 calories in a handful of almonds (about 22 plain almonds)


(I'm pushing back my chair and standing up now)
"Hello, my name is ERIN and I'm addicted to AVOCADOS!"

I Love Avocados; in shakes, on pasta, on my eggs, stuffed with veggies, and just plain!  I realized I was eating sometimes, 3 avocados with my meals each day!  

There are roughly 235 calories in 1 avocado!  SO 3 IN 1 DAY IS 

Don't get me wrong!  Avocados and almonds are great healthy foods, but even with healthy foods you still have to pay attention to your portion sizes and I had taken that for granted!


I'M BEING HONEST WITH MYSELF, and to that end, I came up with a new recipe for one of my favorite shakes.  The original Shake recipe includes AVOCADOS, which make it DELICIOUS AND CREAMY, (I still have the original a couple times a week)  

but,  here's an option I use now when I know I've had my allotment of Avocados for the week. :)


1/2 a banana
1/2 cup mixed berries
1 cup (or more) spinach

1 serving of silken firm tofu.  
One serving is NOT the entire box, so be sure to read the label to see how much to use. The Tofu makes the shake creamy like the Avocado did, with only about 45 calories a serving, plus there is added protein

**** Side note, I've started making my protein shakes with either a serving of cottage cheese, a serving of tofu  or 3 egg whites instead of protein powder.  I like the taste better, with these natural ingredients, you still get your protein and their are fewer calories..... AND It's all natural stuff!

Here's the nutrition info for the tofu I got

If I want a little more protein sometimes I'll add 2 egg whites
2 TBS Stevia
a hand full of ice

Blend it all in your blender

Sit down today and figure out what you're not be honest with yourself about, and figure out how to fix it!

P.S. My new favorite water flavor is coconut lime
Just put some lime slices in your water and a few drops of coconut extract!  YUM!  
I'm on bottle #3 already today!


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Oven-Dried beef jerky

People are constantly asking me about healthy portable food, and beef jerky is a great healthy way to get your protein on the go. 

The problem is, It can be really expensive, and there can be lots of crazy additives in the store-bought kind.   Here's what I've started doing and I'm HOOKED! It takes a little time,  But totally worth it!

Don't be afraid, It's really simple, but you've got to plan this on a day you'll be home most of the day.  The great thing is, Make a ton, and you've got it ready to go for up to 2 months! 

Oven-Dried beef jerky

2 lb eye of round beef roast, flank steak or London broil, trimmed of visible fat
2/3 cup low-sodium soy sauce
2/3 cup low-sodium Worcestershire sauce
1 tbsp raw honey, agave, or stevia
2 tsp fresh ground black pepper
1 tsp onion powder
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp red pepper flakes
1 tsp smoked paprika or liquid smoke, optional
If using a large roast or steak, slice beef into 2 or 3 equal pieces. Slice beef along the grain into equal 1/8-inch-thick strips.
Meanwhile, prepare marinade.  Whisk remaining ingredients and, if desired, paprika, until smooth.
Transfer beef to a large, heavy-duty zip-top bag. Pour marinade into bag, seal tightly and turn to coat beef. Lay flat in refrigerator and marinate for 3 to 6 hours, turning bag 1 to 2 times (NOTE: Do not exceed 6 hours).
Line a large baking sheet with 2 sheets paper towel. Remove beef from bag, shaking or gently wringing each strip to remove excess marinade. Transfer to baking sheet and cover with additional 2 sheets paper towel. Press down through towel to flatten strips and absorb as much marinade as possible. Remove oven racks and place a foil drip pan in bottom of oven, or line bottom with foil. Preheat oven to lowest setting, 140 to 170°F.
Thread skewers through 1 end of strips, leaving 1 inch between each strip. Lay skewers horizontally across 1 oven rack. Transfer rack to highest position in oven, allowing strips to hang without touching oven walls. Close oven, propping door open a crack with a small, dry, rolled-up dish towel or a wooden spoon. (NOTE: This is necessary to allow moisture to escape from the oven; the oven temperature is low enough that this is not a fire danger.) Cook for 5 hours.

Check strips for doneness; remove dry, hard and darkened pieces from skewers and place on a cooling rack. Cook remaining strips for 1 to 2 hours, checking often for doneness. Transfer to cooling racks. When strips are fully cooled, transfer to airtight containers and store upright at room temperature for up to 2 months (NOTE: Do not pack strips tightly). 

Nutrients per serving (2 large strips): 
Calories: 27, 
Total Fat: 1 g, 
Sat. Fat: 0 g, 
Carbs: 1 g, Fiber: 0 g, 
Sugars: 1 g, 
Protein: 4 g, 
Sodium: 92 mg, 
Cholesterol: 8 mg


Healthy Holiday Survival Guide
Day 9 & 10
Reward yourself... but not with food!

I play a little game with myself all the time, I'm constantly looking for new places to find motivation to stay on track with my diet and exercise.


It's still rainy, and gloomy, and freezing, and dark outside. (not the best recipe for fitness motivation)

Here's the view from my front window.   :(

(are you feeling cold now?)

I've stuck to my meal plan and my workout plan up tell now, but I need a little extra push.... So, here's what I've come up with!  I blocked off 2 weeks starting today on my calendar and called it



Here's how it works:

If I continue to follow my eating plan and get my workouts in for the next 2 weeks I'm rewarding myself with a manicure

I hesitate even showing you guys this picture, but I gotta tell it, (or show it) like it is, RIGHT?            


So We've established I NEED a manicure right?

I’m not big on rewarding myself with food because whenever I do, it ends up turning into a free for all. Pampering is one of my favorite "prizes" but later on I'll share with you a few other great ones! 

I’m always puzzled when people find that rewarding a good food relationship with junk food helps them stay on track, to me, it just seems like a train wreck waiting to happen. 

If a manicure isn't great motivation for you, pick something that is!  Maybe a message, a date night with your honey, I new workout outfit, or maybe just giving yourself permission to do NOTHING one night but watch your favorite move or tv show! Whatever it is, DON'T PICK FOOD!!!!   

MARK YOUR 2 WEEKS, Write your prize in at the end and lets get going!!!!!

If you're on the manicure train with me, let me know, we can go get pampered together!!!! :)

Now on to my workouts from day 9 and 10

Yesterday, got a great ab workout in in the AM

And then fit in an extra booty workout in the evening. (I'm sore sore sore today!)

This morning I did some yoga with my class at 5 am

I'm gonna squeeze in 30 min of upper body at lunchtime and then head to ZUMBA TONIGHT!!!


My meal plan this week looks something like this; remember, this is just a basic outline.  If you want more specifics or if you need help with your diet and fitness routine, please feel free to email me!  I'd LOVE to hear from ya!


Meal 1
1/2 cup starchy carbs,  example: oatmeal
1/2 cup protein, example: egg whites
1 cup veggies, example: peppers

This was my breakfast this morning!  Oatmeal and a spinach and egg white omelet

Meal 2
1/2 cup starchy carb, example: banana
6 oz lean protein: example: chicken

Meal 3
1/2 cup starchy carg, example: sweet potato
6 oz lean protein:  example ground turkey

Meal 4
1/2 cup starchy carb, example: sweet potato
1 cup green veggies, example: broccoli
6 oz lean protein, example: fish

Meal 5

2 cups green veggies, example: spinach
6 oz lean protein, example: chicken

Meal 6
6 oz lean Protein, example: 2 boiled eggs
2 cups veggies, example: whatever you like

**** If I need a snack I have 20 raw almonds

BE VERY CAREFUL WITH SAUCES AND BUTTER, ETC.  THOSE THINGS CAN KILL A HEALTHY DIET!  I've been loving low sodium soy sauce on most things right now. :)


Monday, October 22, 2012

Healthy Holiday Survival Guide & Party Dress Challenge day 8

Healthy Holiday Survival Guide
Schedule everything, plan ahead!

It's 10 am, I'm sitting here drinking my water with lemon (I just sucked back 24 oz!!)  freezing my butt off!!!    


Remember when I said I try and stay active with my son on the weekends by running 5k's together? This is us 2 weekends ago in a mud run... FREEZING but FUN!

I moved from a very warm place, to a place that I consider to have an AMAZING, but way-to-short, summer.  I'm still adjusting.

One thing that I've found helps me get up and going when It's cold and cloudy is LOUD MUSIC.  Currently, I've got the song, "Gangham Style" BLASTING through my entire house.  I'm pretty sure It's helping! :)

I made it through the weekend and stuck to my healthy meal plan  PHEW!!!!!  
But, remember a couple posts ago when I said, "I didn't feel that hungry"   Well...


But again, like most things, It was my own fault.  I stayed up WAYYYYY to late!  I can't expect my body to be fine on 6 small meals a day if I'm awake and moving for 20 hours! :)

So, my goal for this next weekend is to get to bed earlier!  

Here's how I made it through the weekend without totally blowing my diet.


 Every Friday night, I try and look ahead to the weekend and figure out what things will make it hard for me to stick to my healthy eating and/or workout schedule, ie, going out with friends, heading out of town, my sister bringing my favorite cookies over... etc.   Then I make a plan to get through it.   (I gave the cookies to a friend and told her I made them, sorry sis!) 

During the week I do the same. Every Monday morning, I sit down and make my schedule.  I write down what I'm eating for my 6 meals each day, what I'm making my family for dinner each night, and when I will do my workouts. I find that if I know what's going on, I'm way less stressed out!

 I'm totally Old school, and get some sort of crazy satisfaction from writing things down and crossing them off when I do them, so I have a "planner" :)  I've tried to go digital a million times but I always go back to my paper planner! 

Part of planning ahead, maybe the MOST IMPORTANT PART when it comes to sticking with a healthy meal plan is 


I used to always think I'd have time to throw something together, I don't, stuff always comes up and I find myself trapped at a kids basketball game STARVING, with nothing healthy on-hand.  

I FINALLY learned, Prepare your meals in advance, and bring food with you everywhere!   

If it helps, go out and buy a cute cooler, I found this cooler bag at Fred Mayer.  Here's a list of some of the stuff I fill mine with:

-turkey meat balls
-turkey lunch meat
-Green salads
-imitation crab meat (I LOVE IT, don't judge me)
-homemade protein bars
-chia seed pudding
-protein pancakes

This weekend, I ran my son to his soccer game, but it got rained out so we decided to go shopping instead, we ended up being gone all day.  Luckily, I had a cooler full of all my food in the car, Had I not thrown it in, we'd have ended up at the Wendy's drive through, (LOVE LOVE LOVE their curly fries)


Friday, October 19, 2012

Healthy Holiday Survival Guide day 4 & 5, ATTACK of the Green Monster Crepe

Healthy Holiday Survival Guide
& Party Dress Challenge
day 4 & 5

The ATTACK of the Green Monster Crepe

Over the last few days I've realized that I am completely OBSESSED with WAY TO MANY THINGS;   

hair extensions, avocados, around the world lunges, my hubby Dan in a great pair of jeans... and now CREPES!!!!!   Or, FRITTERS/PANCAKES 
(whatever you want to call them!)

Every since I posted the 

#1   Eat a version of them almost every day
#2 Have made it my mission to come up with as many healthy variations of them as I can.

Pumpkin, gingerbread, peanut butter, roasted red pepper, tomato Basel.... and on and on

Today, my friend sent me a recipe for RAW raspberry green oatmeal, It's a sweet morning oatmeal recipe with spinach in it!!! 


At first, I was like, EWWWWW! But then I tried it! Yum!  and even better, when you load it up with spinach, the recipe makes WAY MORE OATMEAL, With practically NO MORE CALORIES. (plus the added bonus of the nutrients in spinach)

So, I thought, maybe this same theory would work with my beloved banana fritters!  

This morning I tried it!  

I put 2 hand fulls of spinach into my normal sweet banana fritter breakfast and something magical happened!!!

I couldn't even taste the spinach!  and I had 4 HUGE fritters for breakfast!  I was stuffed all morning.

The only thing I had to do slightly differently was blend all the ingredients together in my Magic Bullet, instead of just mashing them, (I didn't want chunks of spinach in my pancake)

The finished product was a little, well, 
but not bad to look at, see for yourself!

And I had 3 more this size!!!!

NOW I'm on a mission to see how many other dishes I can stash spinach in!!!!

As for the "CHALLENGE"  

I Haven't messed up once!   I've gotten all my clean meals in and my body is really getting used to eating this way.  I start to get hungry about every 2 hours and my meals totally satisfy me, I haven't been hungry over the past 2 days and I haven't had any UNBEARABLE cravings for anything, (just a few little ones that I squash with green tea or flavored water) LOL!

For my workouts, yesterday I lifted chest and tri's while my son was at his tennis lesson, (hay, ya gotta squeeze it in wherever ya can)

and got my cardio in teaching an hour of zumba last night!

As for today, I'm just running to the gym to get in a leg workout before my son gets home from school!

This weekend I'm gonna post one of my FAVORITE booty toning exercises, so check back!  

I raise my 5th glass of water today to you all!
