Sunday, May 31, 2015

June Fitness class Schedule!!! And INFO YOU NEED!!!!


Outdoor Yoga will be OUTDOORS, Weather permitting.  If the weather is bad, we will be inside. 

Water Aerobics will start out on Saturdays at 8am!!!  Bring a towel, and wear a sports bra under your suit!!!... THIS IS NOT YOUR MAMAS WATER AEROBICS!!!!!

I have 2 events this month.  

Thursday June 18th @ 6:30pm will be a "Summer Meal Planning and Prep Class: Featuring recipes and how to eat them to keep you lean for life!"  This is one you do not want to miss!!! More info will be posted shortly. Cost is $15 per person.

The 2nd event is for those of you who have ever considered a fitness competition!  Currently there are not many options for coaches who specialize in this here in Central Washington.  I'm bringing my friend Marlina T. Velasco all the way from Seattle to give you all the info you need to get you going!!! (More info to come)

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

A WEEKS WORTH OF FULL WORKOUTS!!! Just push play and watch your body transform!!!! xoxo


For those who attend my fitness classes, there is no class tomorrow (Thursday May 21st-Monday May 25th)  So, I am posting your workout here! :)   

For those who cannot attend my classes, you're in LUCK!!! Here's a weeks worth of free workouts for you!!! Structured similar to the way I would structure a class!!! xoxo

Thursday May 21st

Start off with my 15 min CRAZY CALORIE BURNING HIIT video, HERE

Throw in my Loose the Pooch ab workout HERE

Then do my No Rope Needed Jump rope workout HERE

Then do the above circuit through 1 more time!!!

* You don't need any equipment for this class and it will take you 60 minutes to complete!

Friday May 22nd

Start with my Ballet Barre Buns workout HERE  YOU WILL ONLY DO 1 LEG!

Then move onto my Tone that Tush workout, HERE  You will continue with that same leg.  (whatever leg you left down on the ground in the ballet barre buns workout is the one you put up on the chair to start the tone that tush workout.

Then do the circuit above on the other leg!

Then end with my High n Tight gluts workout HERE.  Do it twice, once on each side!

*You will need a chair and a stretchy band for this workout!  It will take you 60 minutes!

Saturday May 23rd

Start with Bangn biceps and sculpted shoulders, HERE

Move on to beautiful Biceps, HERE

Then throw in my BYE BYE BAT WINGS workout, HERE

Then do the above circuit through one more time!!!!

*You will need a set of heavy wights, choose 8's 10, 12,s ... Maybe heaver depending on your fitness level.  Then you will also need a set of 5 lb weights.

*This workout will take you just under 60 minutes!

Sunday  May 24th
(You can either take Sunday or Monday off, I am showing this schedule with Monday as your off day, but if you choose to make it Sunday, then just swap these 2!!!)

Start with my Lazy Girl Luscious Leg workout, HERE

Then do my Lazy Girl Lovely Lean Abs workout! Here

*Repeat everything above one more time!

*You will need a small pilats ball or a small playground ball.  This workout will take you 60 minutes

Monday!!!! ENJOY MEMORIAL DAY!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

California Grilled Chicken Avocado and Mango Salad


12 oz grilled chicken breast, sliced (from 1 lb raw)
1 cup diced avocado
1 cup diced mango (from 1 1/2 mangos) or you can use peaches!
2 tbsp diced red onion
6 cups baby red butter lettuce

For the vinaigrette:

2 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp white balsamic vinegar
salt and fresh cracked pepper to taste

Whisk vinaigrette ingredients and set aside.

Toss avocado, mango, chicken and red onion together. Fill a large salad platter with baby greens or divide on 4 small dishes; top with chicken/avocado mixture and drizzlehalf the dressing on top. Serve with remaining dressing if desired.

*** Make a big batch of it and at it all week!!! It gets better the next day!
You can even serve it to your family for dinner.  have them put there's in a tortilla for chicken soft tacos!

Servings: 4 • Serving Size: 1/4th
Calories: 258 • Fat: 14.6 g • Protein: 20.7 g • Carb: 12.2 g • Fiber: 3.8 g • Sugar:6.2 g
Sodium: 62.2 mg (without salt)

Monday, May 18, 2015

It's got to be more than numbers on the scale or you will never stick with it!!!! A few life lessons that have helped me keep the weight off!!!

Health and fitness for me is not really about pounds lost or ripped abs, or only eating chicken and protein shakes and never enjoying my life. smile emoticon Exercise is a priority for me because of the energy it gives me for my family and my life! For the sense of empowerment I get as a healthy fit women, to teach my family and my children how to feel good and experience life, not just sit on the couch and watch it go by, It's about Living a LONG life where I can be active, well into my later years, instead of dealing with chronic health problems and having poor quality of life as I age... I want to run around with my grandchildren as well!!!! I plan on being the "coolest grandma around!" It's about feeling good about myself so, I as a women make smart empowered choices for my life, not poor ones because I feel bad about myself, poor decisions such as staying in bad relationships, or sticking with a job that I am wayyyy over qualified for, that I hate etc. When I feel good about myself, I know what I deserve and I don't take less!!!! This is what EXERCISE IS TO ME!

Now for healthy eating! Healthy eating to me is NOT about never being able to enjoy foods I love! It's about balance, but more importantly, that balance shifts in the favor of healthy foods because of the way the healthy foods make me feel and what I know they are doing for my body to improve my health for that LONG life I plan on living!!!! The more healthy foods I eat, the more I want to eat them, and the less I want to eat poorly! Healthy food means more energy!!! No bloating and digestive problems!!! (unless you have a food allergy, and in that case, get tested) No more, or at least MUCH less.. blood pressure medications, diabetes meds... heck.... ive found most people are off most all medications in general if they take care of there body!!!! Better sleep, less sickness and disease, and the list go's on and on!!!! NOTICE HOW I DID NOT SAY PERFECT RESTRICTIVE NO FUN EATING!!! Take the time to find healthy recipes that you like, eat those most of the time but, If you're dying for some fries, have them (In a reasonable amount of course) ENJOY THEM!!!! Don't feel guilty!!! It's this ALL-OR-NOTHING mentality that gets us in trouble!!!! NOONE affects there weight loss for the week with 1 slice of pizza, or 1 order of fries, or 1 slice of cake... It's when we say to ourselves, "NOW I'VE BLOWN IT!!!! I'M JUST GOING TO CONTINUE TO EAT ALL THE CRAP I HAVE IN MY HOUSE!!!" That's when we get in trouble!!!!

Health and fitness is about creating the LIFE I want, not just the body! One day I had to sit down and really decide, "What do I want my life to be Like?" Is what I am doing with all my time every day getting me closer to that? Or farther away?" Start saying NO to stuff that is not getting you where you want to go! We may not be able to do EVERYTHING we want to do just the way we want to do it TODAY, But there is ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS something you can change, or do TODAY to get you a little closer to the life you want! Sit down and figure out what that is, start making baby steps toward the life you want! Life is to short!!!!! It is sooooo not worth it to spend time unhappy and living a life the way you do not want to live it!" xoxo

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Is a calorie just a calorie?.... Calories in/Calories OUT!

Reality is what it is, and numbers don't lie! If you are trying to lose weight you need to burn more calories than you consume. 

Do you know how many calories your consuming on a daily basis? For most women, we need to consume around 2,500 calories per day. Additionally, one pound contains 3,500 calories. Therefore, if we eliminate 500 calories per day over the course of one week, mathematically speaking, we will lose one pound! But, it doesn't end there!!!!!  

How do we loose fat instead of muscle?

First of all, if you want to change the shape of your body you need to do some weight training. A pear shape will remain a pear shape unless you tone and tighten up that behind! To burn fat over muscles and change the shape of your body effectively. 

Keep in mind that if you are limiting your caloric intake, it's even more important to fuel your body with nutrition dense foods. 100 calorie snack packs and diet coke may be tempting. That small snack may help to curb a sweet tooth, but processed "low-cal" foods are usually low-cal because they are missing essential components to help nourish and satisfy your body.  PLUS, the crazy additives in some of our foods can cause many other problems like an estrogen imbalance, learn more about that HERE, Poor skin quality and cellulite, digestive problems and bloating... etc etc... Soooo I recommend eating foods from the earth, in their most natural state.

A couple of things you may be thinking... How many calories should I consume per day? How many calories do I burn in my workout? How many calories were in that delicious lunch? All great questions. To accurately track your caloric intake and out put I recommend:

Wearing a heart monitor during your exercise will show you exactly how many calories you're burning.

Use a web-based food diary such as My Fitness Pal,  Not only will it tell you how many calories you should be consuming per day based on your age, and goal weight, You can enter in your goals, track your activity, etc etc.

Overall, don't forget that calories are essential. They are cells of energy, not fat! Whether it's the number on the scale or your daily caloric intake, don't let numbers rule your life. If you eat whole, natural foods and workout, you'll never have to count another calorie in your life....I don't!

Monday, May 4, 2015

The perfect body lies somewhere between working hard to be healthy and NOT BEING SO FREAKING HARD ON OURSELVES!

So, lately I have noticed, (especially since summer is fast approaching and I know I will be in a swimsuit A LOT)  I am being increasingly hard on myself and the way I look.

Maybe it's because I'm in the fitness industry and I feel I should have the "perfect" body, or maybe it's just because I'm a women and we're all really hard on ourselves... Maybe it's all the messages the media sends me about what is beautiful... or maybe it's all the facebook posts from women seeming to have stunning beach bodies... I don't know.. but whatever the reason.... IT NEEDS TO STOP!

I noticed something when our family went on a recent vacation to Mexico. I looked around and was surprised by how many women I saw on the beach that I truly thought looked AMAZING in there swimsuits!  Women of all different shapes and sizes, ages... etc.  I remember looking around and thinking, "There are so many beautiful amazing looking women on this beach!"  Then I started looking a little closer, some of the women had a little cellulite, like me!!!!  AND THEY STILL LOOKED GREAT!!!  Some of them had a few stretch marks, like me!!!  AND I STILL THOUGHT THEY LOOKED STUNNING IN THERE SUITS!!!  A few women had bigger muscular legs, and they looked KILLER!!!  Some did NOT have ripped 6-pack abs, and I still looked at them and thought they looked so beautiful there on the beach!!!  So, why then are we so hard on ourselves!!!???!!!

This summer my goal is to work hard to find a balance between keeping myself as healthy and fit as I can, and not Picking myself apart!  If the truth be told, most everyone else is looking at us and thinking we all look great! :)  You don't have to be, Quote/unquote "PERFECT" For EVERYONE on the beach or at the pool or wherever, to still look at you and think you look incredible!

Don't miss out on all the fun adventures summer has to offer because you spend it picking every little last inch of yourself apart!  ALL DIFFERENT TYPES OF BODIES LOOK GREAT!  And to help you remember that.... take a look!   If you saw ANY of the women below next to you on the beach, you would think thy looked perfect!!! AND THY WOULD THINK THE SAME ABOUT YOU!   

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Healthy Cinco De Mayo Part 1: Huevos Rancheros! (Paleo friendly)

Huevos Rancheros!
This is what I'm making for the hubby Cinco De Mayo morning!!! enjoy!


Tomato Salsa:
6 medium tomatoes, about 775 grams (Fresh is way better than canned.)
1/2 onion, coarsely chopped
2 garlic cloves, in large chunks
1/2 teaspoon unprocessed salt
1 teaspoon chili powder
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
Refried Sweet Potatoes:
2 tablespoons coconut or olive oil
1/2 onion, chopped
3 cloves garlic, chopped
1/2 pound organic sausage or chorizo, optional
1 teaspoon chili powder
1/8 teaspoon pure chipotle powder
3/4 teaspoon ground cumin
8 ounces mushrooms, finely chopped
1 sweet potato, raw and grated
2 tablespoons nutritional yeast (for cheese flavor)
2 tablespoons lemon juice (for sharp cheese flavor)
1/4 cup coconut butter (for a rich cheese-sauce)
1/2 teaspoon salt, or to taste
Black pepper

Fried Eggs:
6 large eggs - The Best Eggs are Pasture-raised Organic

Large handful cilantro, chopped
1 avocado, sliced


Tomato Salsa:
Add all ingredients to a food processor: tomatoes, green onions, garlic, salt, chili powder, and ground cumin. Pulse until tomatoes are in pieces, without turning into mush. Pour into a serving bowl. Season to taste.

Refried Sweet Potatoes:
Heat oil in a medium to large skillet over medium heat. Saute the onion and garlic for a few minutes until they begin to soften. Add the chili powder, chipotle powder, and cumin. Add the optional sausage, and cook another 5 minutes. Add mushrooms, and sauté until they begin to soften. Add grated sweet potato and mix it in. Pour 1/4 cup filtered water into the bottom of the pan and cover, to allow the steam to cook the sweet potato. Stir in remaining ingredients: yeast, lemon juice, coconut butter, salt, and pepper. When the sweet potato is soft but not mushy, remove from heat.

Fried Eggs:
In a large non-stick skillet over medium heat, add a bit of olive oil. Break the eggs into the pan and lower the heat. Fry the eggs to your taste - sunny-side up, over-easy or scrambled. Add salt and pepper.

Use a large serving platter, individual plates, or serve buffet-style. Add a few spoonfuls of Refried Sweet Potatoes. Put fried egg on top. Pour Tomato Salsa over everything. Garnish with sliced avocado and chopped cilantro. ¡Ay, caramba!