Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Free You-tube class: Perky Pecks!

To get a KILLER Chest workout for today, I'd couple this workout with my

You-tube workout!

Repeat the 2, for a total of 45 to 50 minutes and your upper body will be toast!!!!


Tuesday, December 30, 2014

13 simple ways to eat healthy on a budget!

I hear it all the time.... "I'd Eat healthy, but it's too expensive!!!!"  Not true!  Aside from the fact that you'll save TONS of money on medication and doctor visits down the road if you keep yourself healthy now (but that's for another post) ; You can actually SAVE money right here and now! :)  I'm about to tell you how, then you'll have NO MORE EXCUSES! :) HA!

Now, when you first start eating healthy and clean, you may notice an increase in your grocery bill, but NEVER FEAR!!!!!, the grocery budget eventually evens out. You'll notice that the bulk of your grocery list is almost always comprised of the same items: beef, chicken, pork, fish, eggs, almonds, almond flour, other nuts, coconut milk, in-season fruits and vegetables, herbs, spices, and occasionally a few condiments like honey and coconut aminos.  So, once you've got those, it becomes very streamline.
Here's my 12 simple tips for saving BIG while eating CLEAN!
1. Find and shop sales
The good news about a streamlined grocery list, is that you can track how much of each item you consume in a given time period, track sales cycles, and determine best prices for each. By creating a master grocery list with the items you use most often, you should be able to update the list with the date, place purchased, amount consumed, and dollar amount spent per pound. After a few months, you’ll be able to determine when and where to get the best price for each item.  For example, I eat A TON of almonds!  I eat them raw, make almond flower, almond milk, almond butter... etc etc with them!  Whenever I see a sale on Almonds, I buy tons because it's one of my staple foods and I know they will eventually get eaten.  The same go's for frozen chicken, spaghetti squash and frozen mixed berries! :)

2. Turn the whole into parts.

One of my favorite methods for saving money is to use every last bit of what I buy.

For example, did you know there is more to chicken than the frozen little tenders?  It seems like we’ve been conditioned to think eating a chicken breast is the only way to go. I personally like to buy a whole chicken, cook it in the slow-cooker, remove all the meat and boil the caracas to make chicken stock, to cook future meals in.

When it comes to all of the almond and coconut products, you can make almost all of them at a fraction of the cost just by using the original product. Almond flour (grind up almonds in your food processor), almond butter (make almond flour and add a little water to it), and almond milk (grind up your almonds, let them soak in water overnight and strain the water through a cheese cloth the next day) can all be made from raw almonds. The same is true for coconut. Coconut flour, coconut butter, and coconut milk can all be made from whole coconuts or even unsweetened coconut flakes. Oatmeal can be ground up to make oat flower... etc etc

I know that’s a lot of info so let’s recap with a nice, easy list.
Whole Chicken:
shredded chicken
chicken stock
cooking fat

Whole raw almonds:
almond flour
almond butter
almond milk

Coconut flakes:
coconut flour
coconut butter
coconut milk

oat flower

I’ll be giving you step-by-step instructions on how to achieve the above results in future posts.
3. Buy in bulk.

We all know that you can often get a cheaper price per pound when you buy in bulk. One way to do this is to stock up when meat is on sale at your local grocery. If the cheaper cuts of meat are on sale, don’t hesitate to grab them all. Just cook those in the slow-cooker, and it will be so tender no one will know the difference!

Keep in mind that you can also call your store to find out when they mark down food. Once you know the day and time, get there early and grab all you need.

There are certainly challenges to buying in bulk like knowing where to purchase large quantities as well as knowing how and where to store such large quantities. However, keep in mind that you don’t necessarily have to keep bulk purchases for yourself. Go in with a friend or even a group to split the cost. Having like minded clean eating friends can certainly benefit the wallet!
4. Buy direct.

When possible, cut out the middle man. Buying almonds, chicken, beef, eggs, and produce directly from the farmer, instead of a grocery store, will give you a higher quality product and more bang for your buck.

If you’re new to buying direct, it could take some work to find local providers. But don’t hesitate to ask around; you never know what resources you’ll find.

My husband and I buy a cow every year and stock our freezer with every cut of beef imaginable! It saves us tons!  I also ask the butcher to throw in the bones and I make my own beef broth by boiling them! :)

5. Buy online.

Buying online is one of my favorite ways to shop, mostly because time is a premium, and having things delivered to my front door saves tons of time. But the added benefit is that I don’t have to take two wiggly kids with me to the store!

Subscribe and Save on Amazon is an easy way to save time and money.

I LOVE pumpkin and eat lots of it!!! I was surprised to find that I could purchase cans of fresh pumpkin from Amazon and save tons!  Full cases get delivered monthly! :)  Coconut flakes, almonds, quinoa, all great things to buy online!

6. Buy in season.

In season produce is the most plentiful. So plentiful in fact, that the price is reduced dramatically, so consumers will grab it up fast. If you have freezer space or like to can foods,stock up when fruits and veggies are at their rock bottom price, so you can eat from your surplus year round.  Also, plan your meals around what is currently in season!
7. Choose frozen over fresh.

Farmers and manufactures freeze produce during peak season to make it available year round.That’s why you can often buy frozen fruits and vegetables for less than what you can get in the produce isle. It’s not always the case, but it’s worth the comparison when your at the grocery store.  I LOVE the taste of fresh and buy it when I can, but when I'm trying to save a buck, like back when I was a single mom with my son Andon, I lived on a VERY tight budget.  My go-to veggies were low sodum canned green beans, (you can get them for .45 cents a can, or less if you look)  and frozen chopped broccoli, I'd buy the kind that had the entire broccoli stalks and all chopped up.  SUPER CHEAP!  IT CAN BE DONE!

8. Grow your own.

Plant a Garden, or if that is to time consuming for you do something like an indoor herb garden or even a patio sweet potato or tomato/pepper container garden.

For those of you with a greener thumb than mine, you already know the benefits of growing your own fruits and veggies. It does cost you time, but if you have more of that than cash, a garden will certainly reduce your grocery budget.

Trees are also a simple way to grow your own food. Most think about fruit trees, but have you ever considered planing a couple almond trees? I’ve never planted one myself, but I’d love to give it a try!
9. Keep the menu simple.

If you have basic ingredients, you can use spices to drastically change the same basic meal. Cook a huge amount of chicken or beef and change up the spices to give it a Mexican, Asian, Indian, or American flare. Add a different veggie each night of the week, and your family will never know how easy it was to prepare the meal.
10. Eat less.

Of course eating less will save money. But that’s easier said than done, right?

I don’t know about you, but when I eat clean, I eat less. Of course, there’s the initial withdrawal from junk food, but after a few days, I almost have to force myself to eat. My stomach shrinks, and I’m no longer tempted to snack 24/7. When I’m eating healthy I really do eat to live, not live to eat.

11. Plan ahead Meal planning is key when keeping to your budget and sticking to your goals.  

You won't buy more than you need and that will keep you from buying to much and having food go bad.

12. Join a food Co-op Like Bountiful Baskets.  

Co-ops like this distribute produce baskets, organic produce baskets, artisan bread, and many other things every other week. I get a fruit and veggie bountiful basket delivered and save TONS on my produce. Granted, you just get whatever the farmer sends you, but that's part of the fun! I get many old stand-by's like Apples, oranges, carrots, etc etc, but there is always some fruit or veggie in there that I dont' normally eat.  Then the fun starts,  I get to do a google search, find a fun recipe, and try it out! Just recently I got Persimmons in my basket, I had never eaten one before, but after my family and I tried it, WE LOVED IT!!! And probably never would have had that experience if it hadn't just showed up in our basket. :)

13. Find alternate sources of protein.  

Protein doesn't just equal meat.  Eggs are a great source or protein and very cheap.  Also, lentils, and quinoa you can buy in huge quantities when they are on sale and store them forever, saving tons!

-Hope this helps you continue on your path to great health!

Sunday, December 28, 2014

COMPLETE GUIDE to Fixing the damage you caused to your waistline over the holidays!

So, The average person eats more than 7,000 calories on Christmas day, research carried out by Associated British Foods recently found. That's more than three times the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s recommended daily caloric intake.   AGHHHHHHHH!

If you fell off the wagon a little this year, NEVER FEAR!!!! I'VE GOT YOUR BACK!

Below are 7 Links to info that will help you lose what you may have gained QUICKLY, and than continue on to reach whatever fitness and health goals you may have in 2015!


Tuesday, December 23, 2014




so... I don't like the idea of a "NEW YEAR NEW YOU"  WHY???? Well, because I think you're pretty great!!!  But how bout we work on being slightly better versions of ourselves this year!!!!

Join my "New Year/Better You"  ONLINE TRAINING SESSION!!!! Everything is done ONLINE, so you can GET AMAZING RESULTS from ANYWHERE!

Here's what you get!

*A fitness assessment and Introduction from me!

* 6 ONLINE YouTube fitness classes taught by me, personalized to your specific fitness goals, sent to your each week!!!!!

* 12 weeks of personalized meal plans complete with recipes!  You get a NEW meal plan every week!

*30 minute Skype or FaceTime communication with me (your trainer) each week

*If you're in the area or visiting you can attend any of my fitness classes for free!

*constant communication through email with me for motivation, help, or information

program lasts for 12 weeks, must commit to all 12!!!!

email me at

And be ready to get started Monday January 5th!!!!!
Must be signed up by Saturday January 3rd!


FREE Apple Bottom Youtube fitness class!

Do this Killer Apple Bottom Booty Workout through TWICE (Once on each side!!!!)

Then, If you're looking for a REAL CHALLENGE TODAY, Couple it with my Lower Body Chair Challenge workout!  (Do that one through twice as well!  Once on each side!)

"Apple Bottom Jeans, Boots with the Fur, the whole club is lookin at herrrrrrrrr!!!!"

Here's the link to the other video

Monday, December 22, 2014

DEAR DIARY: WHY DO I HATE WORKING OUT?! I'm still cracking up!!!!

I am still cracking up every time I read the following email that a friend sent to me. It's too funny so I have to share it with you:


Dear Diary, 
For my birthday this year, I purchased a week of personal training at the local health club. Although I am still in great shape since being a high school cheerleader 23 years ago, I decided it would be a good idea to go ahead and give it a try. I called the club and made my reservations with a personal trainer named Christo, who identified himself as a 25-year-old personal trainer and model for athletic clothing and swim wear. Friends seemed pleased with my enthusiasm to get started! The club encouraged me to keep a diary to chart my progress.

I started my day at 6am. Tough to get out of bed, but found it was well worth it when I arrived at the healthy club to find Christo waiting for me. He is something of a Greek god -- with blond hair, dancing eyes, and a dazzling white smile. WooHoo!
Christo gave me a tour and showed me the machines... I enjoyed watching the skillful way in which he demonstrated the exercises. Very inspiring! Christo was encouraging as I did my sit-ups, although my gut was already aching from sucking it in the whole time he was around. This is going to be a FANTASTIC week!

I drank a whole pot of coffee, but I finally made it out the door. Christo made me lie on my back and push a heavy iron bar into the air, then he put weights on it! My legs were a little wobbly on the treadmill, but I made the full mile. His rewarding smile made it all worthwhile. I feel GREAT! It's a whole new life for me. 

The only way I can brush my teeth today is by laying the toothbrush on the counter and moving my mouth back and forth over it... I believe I have a hernia in both pectorals. Driving was OK as long as I didn't try to steer or stop. I parked in the handicapped space in the club parking lot. The ticket will be worth it. Christo was impatient with me, insisting that I wasn't trying my best. His voice is a little too perky for that early in the morning and when he scolds, he gets this nasally whine that is VERY annoying. My chest hurt when I got on the treadmill, so Christo put me on the stair monster. Why the hell would anyone invent a machine to simulate an activity rendered obsolete by elevators? Christo told me it would help me to get in shape and enjoy my life. He said some other shit too.

Asshole was waiting for me with his vampire-like teeth exposed as his thin cruel lips were pulled back in a full snarl. I couldn't help being a half an hour late -- it took me that long to tie my shoes. He took me to work out with dumbbells. I told him I had to run to the bathroom where I was able to kill another 15 minutes before he sent in some skinny bitch to find me. Then, as punishment, he put me on the rowing machine -- which I sank. 

I hate that bastard Christo more than any human being has ever hated any other human being in the history of the world. Stupid, skinny, anemic, anorexic, little aerobic instructor. If there was a part of my body I could move without unbearable pain, I would beat him with it. Christo wanted me to work on my triceps. I don't have any triceps! And if you don't want dents in the floor, don't hand me the damn barbells or anything that weighs more than a sandwich. The treadmill flung me off and I landed on a health and nutrition teacher. Why couldn't it have been someone softer like a drama coach or a choir director?

Satan left a message on my answering machine in his grating, shrilly voice wondering why I did not show up to day. Just hearing his voice made me want to smash the machine with my planner; however, I lacked the strength to even use the TV remote so I ended up watching eleven straight hours of the Weather Channel...

I'm having the Church van pick me up for services today so I can go and thank GOD that this week is over. I will also pray that next year my husband will buy me a fun gift -- like a root canal or a hysterectomy. I still say if God had wanted me to bend over, he would have sprinkled the floor with diamonds!!!

First I laughed so hard I peed my pants,... but then it hit me... Am I Christo?! To some people I'm sure I have been. And that's OK, no exercise is right for everyone. I'm not right for everyone.

Have you ever felt this way about your workout routine? In the past, I definitely have. We start out with such great intentions. We know how exercising can improve our lives and yet sometimes we hate it! Where did we go wrong? What are we missing?

As in the case of our "Dear Diary," working out everyday is not realistic for everyone. I get it. We are gung-ho. We are committed. We are doing this! And I love the enthusiasm, I really do. However, working out 7 days a week (even as an expert) is tough! Our body needs at least a day to recover. If you're starting something new, commit to 3 or 4 days a week and if you want to gradually increase to 5 or 6 days, go for it! 

But when I say commit, I mean it. Really commit

Put it in your planner and make it a priority. If it's not a priority, then something will ALWAYS get in the way. Set aside at least 3 hours of the week to work on your fitness goals and don't break your appointment.

Moral of the story? Find something that YOU love. Personal training isn't for everyone. I've always enjoyed group classes more than one-on-one. But even still, I never looked forward to my workout until I started kickboxing & Zumba classes. I found what worked for me. I promise there is something great waiting for you, a workout that you will look forward to every single time. Maybe it's hiking, training for a marathon, playing a group sport like volleyball or basketball, yoga, swimming, snowshoeing... the options are endless.  But you'll NEVER KNOW UNLESS YOU TRY!


Friday, December 19, 2014

Check out the NEW Eastern Washington Women's Health magazine!

Here's the link to Eastern Washington's newest health magazine!!!!

Eastern Washington Women's Health


You're out of shape? Well, ya that STINKS. 


One of my biggest pet peeves is this excuse, when someone tells me, "I really want to come take your class, but I need to get in better shape first." 

Ummm... really? 

That's the lamest excuse I've ever heard. That's like saying I'm going to wait until my car runs out of gas before I fill it up. 

The whole point of coming to a class and working out is to get in shape. How do you suppose you'll "get in shape" before you start working out? It just doesn't work that way. 

But, I get it. Your pride gets in the way. You don't want to look silly or tired in the middle of a class. You know, the one in the back who's out of breath and can't quite follow along. 

News flash... no one cares about you. 
(LOL! Sounds harsh, I know, but hear me out!)

You can have every excuse in the book to skip a workout... the thing is, your excuse isn't going to get you any closer to where you want to be. 

work, embarrassment, kids, being tired, sick, blah blah blah.  Your body, your weight, loss, your health, does not care.  You either DO IT, OR YOU DON'T!

Get up. Show up. And notice a change. You have the power to change your body. No. One. Else. 

No more excuses, 


*** Oh ya, & start today! (another small pet peeve, "I'll wait tell the new year to start!").... WHY!?!?  So you can be uncomfortable and unhappy with your heath just a little longer?  hummmmm.

Thursday, December 18, 2014


How many people like being sore the day after a workout? I'm not going to lie, I like to feel sore the next day. There's something about being sore that makes it seem like the workout was really worthwhile. Like I worked that much harder than usual. It's like I'm tight and toned after just one workout! But, what if we don't get sore after our workout? Does that mean it didn't work? Sore may be instant gratification, but it doesn't determine how effective our workout was.

Our body is stronger than we think. A good workout should leave us feeling invigorated and ready to take on the world. Should we be fatigued? Yes, but not to the point that we can't move for the rest of the day! Technically speaking, our body gets sore due to lactic acid build up in our muscles. This happens when we use different muscles or use our muscles in a different way. Perhaps we did a few more squats than usual or maybe we tired something new that's causing our soreness.

For example, a few weeks ago I went for a slow easy jog with my son, I felt great throughout, but hadn't jogged in a very long time. The next day my hamstrings were SO sore! Case in point -- I can take an hour long cycle class during which time I feel as if I might pass out and not be sore the next day, but 30 minutes of jogging while pushing a stroller made it so I couldn't walk for 3 days!

Do you think a slow 30 min jog was a better exercise than my hour fitness class? No. However, it did activate my muscles in a different way, hence leaving me extremely sore for the next day or two. Side note: How lame is that? I was sore after a slow jog!!!!!

It's definitely important to mix up your workout routine. I change my class up every single week to ensure that my students won't plateau. As your body adapts to your fitness routine, don't get discouraged if you aren't getting sore anymore. You are getting stronger and your body is learning to use itself in a more proficient way. Continue to work hard and push yourself in every workout. Even if your not getting sore anymore, you'll continue to see the results. Bottom line, you don't have to be sore everyday to have a KILLER BODY!!!!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

FREE core cruncher FITNESS CLASS!

REPEAT THIS WORKOUT (at least) TWICE.  Once on each side!   
BUT.... If you're doing a FULL AB DAY, Repeat it 4 times!!!! (twice on each side)

Saturday, December 13, 2014

I am obsessing over Broccoli Slaw!!!!!! Try these amazing recipes and join me!!!!!

So, If you follow me at all, or attend my classes, or train with me you know how much I LOVE SPAGHETTI SQUASH!!!!

I seriously eat it almost every day, it s filling, yummy, you can use it in ANY dish you use pasta in, AND.... IT'S ONLY 45 CALORIES PER CUP!!!!!!
BUT, even I need a break from my beloved Spaghetti squash every once in a while.... QUE BROCCOLI SLAW!!!!

I love it!!!! You just buy a bag of it at the store, it comes PRE-Cut into long noodles and you can Use it to replace past or rice in your cooking!!!!

To make basic noodles out of it, all you do is heat a skillet with a little olive or coconut oil and dump the bag in, saute the noodles until they are tender and VIOLA!!!!!! Pasta!!! Then add whatever healthy sauce you like on top!!!!

Below are 3 of my favorite Broccoli Slaw noodle recipes!!!!! But don't just stick to mine!!!! GET CREATIVE

and then let me know what YOU invented so I can try it!!!! :)

Shrimp and “Noodles” Stir fry

(amounts are per serving)


1/2 bag of broccoli slaw

3 oz. shrimp (bite size pieces)

2-4 leaves of basil (Thai or lime basil would be ideal, but regular sweet basil is fine)

1/2 tsp sesame oil (I don't like sesame oil so I use coconut oil and add sesame seeds!)

splash of soy sauce (I use low-sodium version) or Coconut amino's

generously season with salt free seasoning blend (I used Mrs. Dash Caribbean blend)
Place non-stick wok or skillet on med-high heat.
Put in sesame oil, broccoli slaw and salt-free seasoning blend. Stir frequently.
Once slaw is nearly cooked, add the shrimp and soy sauce. Tear the basil up and drop into the pan.
Stir fry until shrimp are cooked through.
Serve with soy sauce, a splash of citrus juice or a little sriracha hot sauce.

*note: you will notice that just 3 oz. of shrimp is used in this recipe, while a standard portion of this protein is 4 oz. This was done because it is a mini-meal, but if you wish to go with the full 4 oz. the calorie difference will only be +25, so go for it.
* 150 Calories per serving!!!!

If you are on an em meal plan have this for any of meals 2-6!

Broccoli Slaw Spaghetti with Marinara Sauce

Yelds 2 servings


1 12-ounce bag (4 cups) dry broccoli slaw
1 cup canned crushed tomatoes
1 teaspoon chopped garlic or more, to taste
Dash onion powder or more, to taste
Dash each salt and black pepper or more, to taste
Dash crushed red pepper or more, to taste
3 tablespoons reduced-fat parmesan-style grated topping, divided (optional)

Bring a skillet sprayed with nonstick spray to medium-high heat on the stove.
Add slaw and 1/4 cup water. Stirring occasionally, cook until water has evaporated and slaw has softened slightly, about 5 to 8 minutes.
Add soup/tomatoes, garlic, spices, and 2 tablespoons grated topping. Stir, and continue to cook until hot, about 3 to 4 minutes.
Season to taste with additional spices, if you like. Top with remaining 1 tablespoon grated topping. Enjoy!
135 calories
2.5 g fat

***If you're on an em meal plan have a serving of this for meals 3 or 5

Butternut Squash Slaw noodles n "Cheese"


2 cups cooked butternut squash or raw butternut squash cubes (available pre-sliced at many grocery stores)
1 cup low sodum beef or chicken broth
16 oz bag broccoli slaw
1 Tbsp olive oil (for broccoli slaw) + small amount of oil for onions 
1/2 to 1/4 cup (I do 1/4) diced pancetta (Italian bacon) OR 2 slices regular bacon (This is optional, but it really adds to the flavor and it's such a small amount it doesn't add much fat or calories so I recommend it!)
about 1/4 medium red onion (adjust more or less based on your preferences)
1 tsp salt
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp paprika

Cooking Directions

Cook butternut squash in broth and add in spices. You can use other types of squash like delicata or kabocha if you like a sweeter flavor. If squash is raw, then cook till soft and broth evaporates. If squash is cooked, then use less broth and let it cook down till it forms a creamy consistency.
Toss broccoli slaw in olive oil and pan fry until broccoli slaw is soft
In a pan, sauté red onion and pancetta (or bacon) in olive oil (you don’t need much because bacon is naturally fatty).
Add bacon/onion mixture to the butternut squash sauce and mix in.
Pour hot butternut squash sauce over broccoli slaw (top with nutritional yeast, butter, or real cheese if you tolerate it).
Enjoy the healthy decadence!

* 2 cups equals 1 serving

**** If you're on an em meal plan have this YUMMY meal for #5 (or at your dinner time!)


Friday, December 12, 2014

Citrus Caramelized Brussels sprouts

If you THINK you don't like Brussels sprouts, try these!!!! You will!  

Citrus Caramelized Brussels sprouts 

Serving Size: 2 


300g Brussels sprouts, cleaned and halved 

¼ cup olive oil 

1 orange, squeezed 

Half lemon, squeezed 

1 tbsp molasses, honey, or stevia 

Salt to taste 

1 tsp orange zest 

3 tbsp pomegranate seeds  


Heat olive oil in a non stick pan. 

Fry halved sprouts in it for 3 minutes over medium low heat. 

Pour orange and lemon juice into the pan and cook them over medium high heat until there is a little juice left in the pan. 

Add pomegranate molasses and bring the heat to the lowest. 

Let it caramelize well. 

Add salt and stir. Set it aside. 

Toss in orange zest and pomegranate seeds. 

Let it cold and serve.

**** If you're on an EM meal plan, have a serving of these for either meal #2 or meal #4.  OR add your favorite healthy protein and serve them for meal #5 (dinner time)

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Workout clothes I'm asking Santa for this year!!!!!!

Here are some Cool, unique workout clothes brands that I am obsessing over right now!!!!!  I guarantee you won't see anyone else at the gym wearing the same thing!!!!



Obsessed with the entire line!!!!




Dreaming of this top!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

FIT TRIPPIN! Eat out and eat healthy at New York Teriyaki in Yakima & Ellensburg!!!!

If you're looking for some GREAT healthy Asian food, this is PERFECT!!!! 

Now, my family LOVES sushi, and when most of us think Sushi, we think HEALTHY, RIGHT?!?! Well, Sushi can be a great option for a healthy clean diet, it can also be a CLEAN MEAL PLAN KILLER if you don't know what to order.

Next time you go out for Sushi, give New York Teriyaki a try, and If you don't like Sushi, don't worry, they have something for everyone!!!!

AND now for my EM Health & Fitness Picks for eating out here!!!!

For starters, order the MESO SOUP!!!! Its AWESOME and 1 CUP OF MESO SOUP HAS ONLY ABOUT 40 calories!!!!! So, eat up!

For my entree, sometimes I like to order an appetizer, TRY IT!!! It's great because it comes in a smaller portion size, which is what you should be eating anyway!!!!

At New York Teriyaki, I either order the Tuna Tadaki (Tuna tadaki is a Japanese dish. It is a type of sashimi, which is thinly sliced, lightly seared raw fish. The fish is usually garnished and served with a dipping sauce) There are only 130 calories in 4oz (about 3 pieces) and you get your lean protein!!!!

OR I pick the Fresh Water Oysters!!! There are only 58 calories in 6 medium raw oysters!!!!

Depending on what my health and fitness goals are at the time, Sometimes I will order a sushi roll, and sometimes I will skip the rolls and just order Shashimi (raw fish without the rice) because I don't want the refined carbs from the white rice. If and when I do order sushi, I skip the tuna or oysters I spoke about above, and just have 1 sushi roll as my meal!

Here are my top 7 picks for Sushi!!!!

(FYI, I'm not a big calorie counter.  I believe in eating good clean healthy whole foods and paying attention to portion size and the rest will take care of itself.  However, I list calories below just to give you an idea of how many come in a serving size)

The veggie Roll: 170 calories 5 g of fat
A Mackerel roll: 232 calories 2 g of fat
Rainbow roll: 330 calories 8 g of fat
Salmon Cucumber roll: 231 calories 4 g of fat
Sashimi:33 calories 1 gram of fat per piece!
Shrimp roll: 199 calories 0 fat 
California roll: 255 calories 7 g of fat

If Sushi's not your thing,  (GASP!!!!! DON'T EVEN TELL ME!!!!) order either a CHICKEN, beef, or pork BOWL.  Order it with no sauce and no rice, extra veggies!!!!! 

or go with the CHICKEN, BEEF, pork, shrimp or vegetable stir fry! Order it the same way, no sauce or rice, extra veggies!!! YUM!
You can also order an extra side of steamed veggies!!! (which I ALWAYS do!!!!!)REMEMBER to eat your food in the correct portion sizes, If you get more than you need, just box it up and take it home!!!!

Head on over to New York Teriyaki and EAT GREAT without feeling left out, or HUNGRY!!!!!.... NOW.... GO!

New York Teriyaki is located at

801 E University Way, 

Ellensburg, WA 98926
(509) 925-1800

2518 Main Street 
Union Gap, WA 98903 
(509) 469-5555

Check out there website here!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Almond Sriracha sauce smothered Quinoa bowl!!!!!

Almond Sriracha sauce smothered Quinoa bowl!!!!!

Serves 2


½ cup quinoa
1 cup water
¼ tsp salt
½ tsp olive or coconut oil
½ tsp sriracha

Roasted veggies of your choice (use as many veggies as you want):
I used Cauliflower, zucchini, broccoli, red & yellow peppers, and onions
1 tsp olive or coconut oil
1+ tsp Sriracha to taste
¼ tsp ginger powder or peeled & grated fresh ginger

Almond Sriracha Sauce:
3 Tablespoons fresh Almond butter (or use any other nut butter like Peanut butter)
2 tsp ginger minced
¼ tsp garlic powder
1-2 tsp Sriracha to taste
1 tsp apple cider vinegar
2 tsp all natural maple syrup
2 tsp extra virgin olive oil
3 Tablespoons coconut milk (I used So delicious Lite culinary coconut milk)
a generous pinch of salt


Wash the quinoa then cook with the rest of the ingredients. Bring to a boil on medium heat then cook at low-medium heat partially covered 10-15 minutes. Fluff and keep ready. Or use 1 cup cooked quinoa or other grain or lentils.

Roasted veggies:
In a bowl, mix all the dressing ingredients. Toss the veggies in it. sprinkle a bit of salt and bake at preheated 425 degrees F for 20-25 minutes.

Almond Sriracha Sauce:
Add all the ingredients to a blender. Blend well and use. Taste and adjust salt and spice.

Arrange everything in a bowl and serve with a generous drizzle of the dressing, cilantro leaves and sesame seeds.

Allergen Information: Free of dairy, egg, corn, soy, gluten, yeast

If you are on an EM Meal plan, this meal can replace ANY meal you want!!!! 1,2,3,4,5, or 6!!!!!  ITS AWESOME!!!!!

Monday, December 1, 2014

FREE Youtube fitness classes for Dec 4th-8th!

I will be out of town from Thursday Dec. 4th-Monday Dec. 8th and want to make sure that all my great students still have the workouts they need, so.... Here are your AT HOME (or gym) youtube fitness classes for the few days I'm out of town!

See ya Tuesday Dec 9th, BE READY TO HIT IT HARD!!!!!

For each day, repeat the workouts I have listed below, In the order they are listed. :)  Just click on the LINK and it will take you right to the class! :)

Thursday: Cardio/ Abs

REPEAT IN THAT ORDER FOR ANOTHER 2 ROUNDS FOR A TOTAL OF 3 ROUNDS!  The workout should take around 60 minutes

Friday: ARMS

Repeat in this order for 1 more round, a total of 2 rounds!  The workout should take around 50 minutes! :)   If you've got a little extra time, try for 3 rounds!!!!! 

Saturday: Lower body/cardio

Repeat for 1 more round, for a total of 2 rounds.  This workout should take you aprox 50 minutes to complete! :)

Sunday REST!

Monday: Abs/legs

Repeat for 1 more round, for a total of 2 rounds.  This workout should take Aprox 65 minutes!