Thursday, October 30, 2014

8 weeks to a NEW YOU by NEW YEARS!!!! MY PROGRESS AS OF TODAY!!!!!

MY ONLINE 8 Weeks to a NEW YOU by NEW YEARS Session starts on NOVEMBER 10TH!!!! 
(That gives you 8 weeks before we hit 2015!!!!!)

This 8 week session will give you EVERYTHING you need to Get the body you want by the NEW YEAR!!!!

You'll get:
8 "NEW YOU" Meal plans (1 each week)

8 weeks of online "NEW YOU" youtube workouts taught by ME!!!!

And 24/7 access to me through email or text for support or to answer any questions you might have!

I wanted to get a little leaner by the new year too, so I started this EXACT Program 2 weeks ago.... Here are my pics 2 weeks ago, and TODAY!  (I'll keep you posted with my progress in the next few week! :)  

Oct 16th

Oct 30th!!! 2 weeks later and 5 lbs lighter! :)
KEEP IN MIND, I HAVE FOLLOWED THE PLAN EXACTLY FOR 2 WEEKS!!!!  If you're not willing to commit to the plan TOTALLY, you're results may be different!

OK, So I told you I'd check back in with my progress!  Here I am this morning, right after Kickboxing, (and a shower!!!! LOL!)   Notice Kellen trying to break into the shower on the bottom right of the pic!!!! LOL!!!!

I'm down another 2 lb's for a total of 7 lb's lost!  I'm not really looking to lose many lb's at this point, just continue to lean out and develop more muscle definition!  FEELING GREAT going into the Thanksgiving holiday!!!
Now, I hesitate to post pictures because.... well.... IT'S AWKWARD!!!! RIGHT?!?!?!!!!  But I decided to do it for a few reasons! 
1ST!!!! I want you to SEE that this way of eating WORKS, if you do it!!!!!  You don't have to starve!!!!  You just have to consistently eat clean!!!  Over the last 3 weeks I have not been totally perfect with my eating, for example, my baby turned 1!!!! and I ate cake, among other things, at his party!!!! LOL!  But I have been pretty close.  Only going off my meal plan for NO More than 1 meal a week!  (notice, I said, 1 MEAL, NOT 1 ENTIRE DAY!!!!!)

AND 2ND!!! No one is perfect!!! we aren't perfect with our eating and exercise all the time!!!  NO ONE looks perfect all the time, or feels perfect all the time!   I few weeks ago, I wasn't eating as cleanly as I'd like, I didn't have the energy I would like, and I just didn't feel that great!!! So, finally, I decided to kick it into high gear and do something about it!!!!  

So, if you find yourself in a rut, don't get down on yourself, just do a little better each day tell you reach your goals!  I've been a trainer for 15 years!!! I know better, and even I slip up! 


and I'm doing a special "before new years only!!!!" package
$300 for the entire 8 week program!!!

Email me if you're in!!!!!

I'll keep you posted on my progress! :)

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Don't snitch your kids halloween candy this year, try one of my CANDY BAR FLAVORED SKINNY SHAKES INSTEAD!

Instead of destroying your clean eating with candy this Halloween, replace the candy bars with a healthy Skinny candy bar shake!!!!  

Pick your favorite candy bar and replace one of your 6 small meals a day with a sweet tooth crushing shake, ENJOY!!!!!

P.S. If you're on an EM meal plan, these shakes count as 1 of your healthy fats for the day! :)

Butterfinger Protein Shake

Ingredients1 cup milk (any kind will work)
1 cup ice cubes
1 scoop chocolate protein powder (or, if you're not a fan of protein powder like me, just add 2 tbsp of unsweetened cocoa powder)
1 (large) tbsp peanut butter or 2 tbsp of PB2
1 tbsp sugar free Butterscotch instant pudding mix
sweetener, to taste (such as Stevia)

Combine all ingredients in a blender and process until well blended (about 1 minute).
Enjoy right away.

Skinny Almond Joy Frappuccino 

¾ c double-strength coffee, chilled
½ c Almond MILK
1/2 cup coconut milk
1 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
1/8 tsp almond extract (this is optional, if you have it it just gives the shake more almond flavor!)
1/8 tsp coconut extract (this is optional, if you have it it just gives the shake more coconut flavor!)
1 c ice cubes
sweetener, to taste (such as Stevia)
½ tsp miniature chocolate chips or dark chocolate, chopped (optional)

Add coffee, milk, cocoa powder, and extracts to a blender. Pulse until well combined, scraping down the sides as necessary. Add the ice and sweetener (if using). Blend until smooth and no large ice chunks remain. Pour into a glass, sprinkle with the chopped chocolate, and serve immediately.

Notes: To prepare the double-strength coffee, I used 2 teaspoons of instant coffee crystals mixed with ¾ cup water.

Nutrition Facts
Serving Size: 1 frappuccino
Servings In Recipe: 1
Calories 52
Total Fat 2.9 g
Total Carbohydrate 6.9 g
Sugars 3.9 g
Protein 1.3 g

Skinny Snickers Shake 

1 cup almond milk
1 cup ice cubes
1 tbsp slivered almonds (plus a few for topping) or almond extract
1 tsp caramel extract or Walden Farms Caramel syrup (as much as you want, it's calorie free)
1 scoop Chocolate protein powder or  2 tbsp of unsweetened cocoa powder
sweetener, to taste (such as Stevia)

Blend all ingredients until smooth. Pour into a cup. Top with leftover slivered almonds. Drink and enjoy every sip!

Almond Joy shake

1 scoop chocolate protein powder (or, if you're not a fan of protein powder like me, just add 2 tbsp of unsweetened cocoa powder)
1/2 cup vanilla almond milk
1/2 cup coconut milk
1 tbs almonds
3 tsp coconut flakes or coconut extract (the flakes make the sake a little gritty after it's blended, but I actually liked the texture!)
1 cup ice cubes
sweetener, to taste (such as Stevia)

Blend all ingredients until smooth. Pour into a cup. Top with leftover slivered almonds. Drink and enjoy every sip!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Easy, healthy treats to give your trick-or-treaters & WHAT to do with ALL THAT LEFTOVER CANDY!!!!!!

Fun and Healthy treats to give out to 
trick-or-treaters this year!!!!
(hey, every little bit helps! :)


What to do with ALL THAT EXTRA CANDY!!!!!
Below are a few healthy and EASY alternatives to candy for your trick-or-treaters this year!!!!

Sharpie drawn on mandarin orange or peach lunch packs

GoGo squeeZ Mummy Pouches are an easy and fun Halloween snack to give out as a healthy alternative to candy!

Genius Halloween Treat for the Kiddos- they have 15 packs of them at the dollar store!! Parents can keep an eye on them when it's dark- and what kid doesn't like glow sticks!?!!

Water Bottle Halloween...can't be any easier and is very cute!

Now, I know that even if YOU do your part and hand out a few little healthy snacks to the kiddos, your kids will come back with PLENTY of CANDY!!!!  

ok, don't get me wrong here, I'm not saying that you shouldn't allow your kids to eat candy for Halloween!!!!!  (we don't want to scar them for life!) All I'm saying is that maybe it wouldn't kill us to just eat SOME of the candy we get! :)

Below is the link to an AWESOME CHARITY that collects Halloween candy and sends it oversees to our troops!!!!  It's super fun for the kids to do, and they will even receive a letter back from the troops overseas who receive their candy!!!! (Assuming your kids write them a letter as well!)  They'll feel great about sending the candy to a good cause!!!! AND, maybe eat a little less of it this year!!!! :)

Below is the link to the website with all the info on how to ship your uneaten candy! :)

And here is a link to Operation Gratitude's facebook page!

Friday, October 24, 2014

freakishly easy frittata!!!!!

Make this with any veggies you like... Mushrooms.... peppers....asparagus..... whatever!!!!!

Also, healthy toppings for your frittata, (if you choose to add them)  include, salsa, low fat cottage cheese, an avocado.... use your imagination!

I cooked my Frittata at 400 degrees for 30 minutes, but that time will very depending on what; and how many veggies you add!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

FIT Trippin!!!! Utopia in Ellensburg!

Fit Trippin @ Utopia Frozen yogurt and Coffee house!!!!

I constantly hear the same complaint from my friends and clients alike, "I can't go do anything fun, or eat out anywhere, and still maintain my fitness and healthy eating!!!!"

Well, I say YES YOU CAN!!!!!  And to prove it, I'm starting this new segment on my website called, Fit Trippin!!!!!

Each week I will highlight a restaurant, outing, or just plain old fun thing to do in Washington State, that you can enjoy AND maintain that healthy lifestyle!!!!

Healthy doesn't have to be BORING!!!!!

1st up, grab yourself a sweet healthy treat at Utopia in Ellensburg!

Desserts are always hard, BUT if you're craving something sweet this is the perfect place for you!!!!  Utopia offers low fat, non fat, and sugar free FROZEN YOGURT options!!!!   

BUT WAIT, THAT'S NOT ALL,  the calorie count for 1/2 cup of frozen yogurt ranges from 80 calories to just 100 calories!!!!  

FYI: The non dairy options have the least calories per serving at just 80 calories for 1/2 a cup, BUT they have the most sugar!  So, you chose the option that works for you, but even if you chose one of their low-fat dairy options, the MOST your looking at is 100 calories per serving!!!!  Any way you SCOOP IT, it's a great option to replace one of your 6-small-meals-a-day with!!!!

(I had to squeeze that 6-small-meals-a-day thing in there because HEY, I'm a trainer, and YOU ALL SHOULD BE EATING 6 SMALL HEALTHY MEALS A DAY!!!!)  That's just the smart way to eat!

My pick is 1/2 a cup of 
"no sugar added" Cheesecake Fro-yo, 
piled high with Blackberries, raspberries, mango, strawberries, and a small handful of almonds. 

Another added bonus is, you can only fit about 1 serving size of fruit on top of your yogurt in one of the cups they offer,  so it keeps you HONEST!!!!! :)

 There is about 230 calories MAX in this dessert (it varies a little depending on how much fruit you can CRAM IN!!!!)  That is the perfect amount to equal 1 small meal! :)  If you leave off the nuts you're only looking at 157 CALORIES!!!!

Also, if you take a little peak behind the kids cups you'll see a book with ALL the nutritional info for ALL the yogurt in store, so pick what fits with your healthy lifestyle!!!!

You can check out all the flavors and toppings on the website!

They've also got healthy smoothies like the Berry Antioxidant Blast that consists of
Raspberries, strawberries, blackberries and blueberries blended together to create a blast of refreshing and ripe flavors. *Available in FitLyte, Salads, Sandwiches with gluten free bread, oh... and coffee!

They are located at 76 East University Way


My 11-year-old with his healthy dessert!!! (shhhh, he doesn't even realize it's healthy!)

Even the baby gives it a thumbs up!

Utopia is a great place to come and hang out with friends, They've got comfy couches, a fireplace and fun reading material!  Make an afternoon out of it or just swing by after dinner!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

FREE Booty lifting hamstring workout #3

FINAL WORKOUT in this 3 part hamstring series!!!!   This one's a little blurry, (don't know why)  BUT i got a new camera!!!! YAY!!! So look forward to a little better picture and sound quality in the future!!!!

In the mean time, enjoy your perky butt!!!!

FREE Booty lifting hamstrings Youtube workout #2

Here's the 2nd part in the series!!!!  Hang in there with me!!!!! one more video to go!!!!!

FREE Booty lifting Hamstring Youtube Workout #1

This is a unique youtube class!!!!  It is a FULL Hamstring workout, this is the 1st of 3 parts!!!!  So... 
Get out your equipment and settle in for a 30 minute FULL HAMSTRING SESSION!!!!

Friday, October 17, 2014

What you think when you're Out Of Shape At The Gym

HILARIOUS, right? 

All kidding aside, what do we really feel like when we're out of Shape and trying to GET BACK IN SHAPE??? 

We all have an idea of where we want to be physically. Super strong, super fit, super flexible. We hit the gym with high hopes, only to realize that we've got a long way to go. It's depressing and can TOTALLY KILL our motivation!!!!

You may be thinking, what does she know about it? Well, Let me tell you... I know about it because I have had MANY MANY Times in my life when I have been VERY out of shape, and had to start from scratch and GET MY BUTT BACK IN!!!! No joke! (I love the quote, "perfection is an illusion!!! no one is perfect all the time, not even trainers!!!!)

In high school I played EVERY SPORT and stayed in shape easily, then college came, sports stopped and I gained 35lbs in 1 & 1/2 years!!!!  When I finally decided "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!!"  I bought a gym membership and couldn't even lift the BAR, (Ya, the bar is that thing the WEIGHTS go ON!)

More recently, I had a baby, was on bed rest for a few weeks before, and then waited out the 6 weeks after my baby was born to start training again.  

Before my baby I was in great shape, maybe the best I'd ever been in!!!  I could do push-ups, pull-ups, run long distances, lift heavy weight... well, you get the idea! :)   THEN, 6 weeks after he was born I decided to take him for a walk in the stroller... AGHHHHH!!!!  My lunges were burning, my calves were on fire, I was cursing my husband for not paving our driveway because it was harder to push the stroller, etc etc.  I made it to the end of our quarter mile dirt road and turned around!!!   

I WAS SO MAD!!!! How in the HECK could I be in such terrible shape after being in such great condition just a few months earlier!!!  I Started doubting myself... "maybe I'll never get back in shape?!?!!!   Maybe I'll feel miserable and tired forever!!!!  I'm just going to give all my skinny jeans to my little sister and find a new profession!!!!!"

It took a day or 2, but then I remembered how great it feels to, well, FEEL GOOD!!!!  I decided to 



I started up my fitness classes again, It was very intimidating to do because I knew that even though I WAS THE TEACHER, many of my STUDENTS were in better shape than I, and would be able to kick my butt in class!  But, I also knew I had to start somewhere, and if I never sucked it up, gutted it out, lived through the soreness and the KILLER CLASSES, I would never be where I wanted to be!!!

The 1st couple weeks were BRUTAL!!!  BUT, I DID IT!!!

And NOW..... I'M BACK IN SHAPE!!!!  I feel great!  Have energy for my Kids... and can keep up with MOST of the people who attend my classes! LOL!
So, how are you going to get to the other side? How are you going to own that gym and your workout? With time and with dedication. It may take a few tries, but soon you won't ever have to feel out of shape at the gym ever again. And that's a pretty good feeling. xx

Monday, October 13, 2014

banana soft serve

Don't give in to ice cream cravings anymore!!!! just make this!!!!!

We made strawberry banana in the video, but pictured above is peanut butter banana!!!  BOTH ARE DELISH!!!!  Make whatever flavor you can dream up!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Make your own cooking spray!!! Save $ and do without the nasty additives!

Make your own cooking spray — without the nasty additives! 

One part olive oil to five parts water. Shake before each use!

Friday, October 10, 2014

how to make my online workouts work for you!

"Those who do not make time for EXERCISE, will sooner or later have to make time for ILLNESS!"


Wednesday, October 8, 2014


For your simple basic Chia pudding recipe the ration is 4 to 1   So.... For one serving of pudding, it's 1 cup of Milk (whatever milk you choose)  to 1/4 cup of chia seeds!

Then add in whatever extras you want... watch the video, you'll get the idea!


Friday, October 3, 2014


This is a FAST but INTENSE ab workout that requires NO EQUIPMENT!!!!

* Kellen, (my 10-month-old) is unusually chatty during this workout, AND has a cold!!!!!  But I really wanted to get it done, so turn the volume down, tune out the coughing and hang in there tell the end! lol!   We've gotta fit in our workouts whenever we can in our crazy lives, RIGHT!?!?!!!!!   :)


Wednesday, October 1, 2014

LOSE 10 lb's or MORE with my SPOOKTACULAR OCTOBER eating plan!


Lose 10 (or more) lb's this Oct by following my 
simple meal plan

Eat every 2 to 2&1/2 hours

Make ALL your food for the ENTIRE week in advance so it is ALWAYS ready and waiting for you!

Eat JUST 1 portion size (the recipe will tell you what that is) at each meal!

Alternate meal plans, mix and match meals, just keep to your correct portion sizes and eat your 5 to 6 small meals a day!  


(just click on the meal to get the recipe!)


Meal #1
Sweet banana Cinnamon Pancakes

Meal #2

Meal #3

Meal #4

Meal #5

Meal #6 (If you're hungry)

Day 2

Meal #1

Meal #2

Meal #3

Meal #4

Meal #5

Meal #6 (if you're hungry)