Besides exercising daily and eating plenty of healthy fruits & veggies... I've added a SPOONFULL OF AWESOME to my daily routine as well!!!
My secret all natural energy ingredients include: raw hemp hearts, flaxseed, & chia seeds, Bee Pollen & extra virgin coconut oil. Obviously I’m very specific about this concoction. Here’s why each component matters:
BEE POLLEN: is known to increase energy & help with allergies ( especially if it’s local ). “bee pollen is a natural way to improve metabolism and help control and take weight off.” It is said that bee pollen improves metabolism by correcting a chemical imbalance and by “supplying the missing factors other foods cannot supply.” Bee pollen supposedly speeds the process of converting sugar into energy providing oxygen that fat can use to speed their conversion into energy. 130mg of bee pollen helps digest 3 pounds of food.
Lecithin is another component of bee pollen that supposedly speeds the rate at which calories are burned. It also “aids in the digestive process and assimilation of nutrients. Bee pollen also has diuretic qualities and is said to reduce cravings and hunger. For weight reduction, take pollen 30 minutes before meals with a glass of water.“
RAW HEMP HEARTS: protein! FIBER! Plus they regulate the metabolism & make your skin glow, hair grow, & nails become stronger.
FLAXSEED: keeps the digestion regular, if ya know what I mean ( winky-wink )
CHIA SEEDS: Omega 3, calcium, fiber. Plus they swell making you feel full.
EXTRA VIRGIN COCONUT OIL: because coconut oil is FREAKING amazing. Trust me. Healthy fats!! It also helps our bodies gain a resistance to both viruses & bacterias that cause illness. The oil also helps fight off gross yeast, sickie fungus, & aids in managing blood sugar control. It can boost thyroid function to increase the metabolism & energy. This sexy oil also helps with digestion & reduces cholesterol.

Also note that this little spoonful of energy promotes weight loss. Let’s just say it gets everything flowing.
I just keep equal parts of all the seeds in a container on my kitchen counter & either, add a spoonful of them to whatever I'm eating, AKA salads, oatmeal, smoothies, etc. OR I take a spoonful plain about 30 minutes before my first meal of the day. When I eat a spoonful plain I scoop up about 1/2 a spoonful of coconut oil, and fill the rest with the seeds.
You can do this up to two times a day... or 30 minutes before 2 of your meals. (or add the seed mixture to 2 of your meals)
If you don’t like the taste…plug your nose. Beauty is pain. I personally love the taste though.
+ Disclaimer: please note that a lot of people are highly allergic to bee pollen ( & don’t know it ). If you’ve never ingested it, please try one kernel under your tongue to see if you’re allergic before eating any kind of bee pollen.
If you don’t like the taste…plug your nose. Beauty is pain. I personally love the taste though.
+ Disclaimer: please note that a lot of people are highly allergic to bee pollen ( & don’t know it ). If you’ve never ingested it, please try one kernel under your tongue to see if you’re allergic before eating any kind of bee pollen.
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