Deidra trained with me for 12 weeks and WOW did this girl KICK butt!!! We're sisters-in-laws (which she mentioned below) so I had some of the same reservations she did... FIRST... I LOVE DEiDRA!!! I have always thought she was crazy beautiful and I didn't want her to every feel like a was... well... A BIG FAT MEANY JERK!!! Because sometimes, as a trainer, i have to tell it like it is!!!! LUCKILY, Deidra worked your "you know what off" and I hardly had to be a meany pants! PLUS... along with getting healthy, she WON 1st runner up in her Mrs. Washington Pageant and, get this.... IT WAS HER 1ST TIME COMPETING IN THE PAGENT!!!!!! UNHEARD OF!!!!
Erin was the perfect fit to train me and get me motivated to reach my goals! I know she and I were both a little hesitant to have her be my trainer, she is a wonderful sister-in-law, but sometimes family shouldn’t mix business! However, I promised I would not only listen to her, but that I would truly implement the plans she was giving me. Erin was my biggest fan, but also would smack some sense into me when I needed it. Whether I needed to get my butt kicked for missing workouts or cheating too much on my meals, to encouraging me when I was being too hard on myself, Erin was there every step of the way. Erin has helped me not only sculpt my body on the outside, but also change the way I see myself from the inside. I have learned to embrace the parts that I see as flawed, and to truly be thankful for the awesome strength and health that God has given me. I would encourage anyone looking for a personal trainer, healthy meal ideas, or just needing a little butt-kicking every now and then to use EM Health and Fitness.
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