30 short days ago was the start of the EM Health & Fitness 30 day coutdown to your best summer body program!!!
If you want to know more about the program, click HERE
Well, The results are in... and They are AMAZING!!!!!
Stay tuned all week for more before and after pics!
Also... the next round of our 30 Day Countdown series will be starting
May 11th!!!
More info is coming!!!!!
Here is what Jade, (pictured above) had to say about the experience!
Now... All of you out there who are impressed with Jade's results.... YOU SHOULD BE!!!!!! I just have to say..... THIS GIRL DID EVERYTHING EXACTLY THE WAY I ASKED HER TO DO IT!!!! She did not stray from her eating plan or workout schedule even ONCE!!!! And look what she accomplished in just 30 short days!!!!
If you want results like Jade's, you can have them, but you BETTER BE WILLING TO COMMIT AND WORK!!! She DID IT!!!!
If you want results like Jade's, you can have them, but you BETTER BE WILLING TO COMMIT AND WORK!!! She DID IT!!!!

"I am stronger inside and out than I was. Approximately 30 pounds lighter! I challenge myself continually and learn how and when to treat myself."
Laura's Before and After

Before After
Laura is the HOTTEST grandma I know!!! (CAN YOU FREAKING BELIEVE SHE IS A GRANDMOTHER?!?!) I can only PRAY I look as beautifuL AND young, as she does when I am a grandma!!!
I LOVE training Laura!!! She is an amazing cook and is so dilligent about her clean eating that she sends ME healthy recipies!!!! She also ATTENDS ALL MY CLASSES religisly!!!
Here's what Laura had to say!
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