Friday, April 24, 2015

MORE results from my "30 day countdown to your Best Summer body!!!!"

Nikki is a constant motivation to me!!! When she started working out with me and explained the Crazy health problems she lived with every day I though.... "It's AMAZING this girl is even out of bed!!!!"  And not only was she out of bed, but she is CONSTANTLY UPBEAT AND HAPPY PLUS she showed up to class on that first day and you would have thought she had been a regular for years!!!!!  My classes are intense, and many have to, well... kind of ease into them... NOT NIKKI!!!! She was off and running from day 1!!!!   And NOW LOOK AT HER!!!!!  Her transformation has little to do with me and EVERYTHING to do with Nikki's KILLER WORK ETHIC!!!!


Nikki's Before & After!
(pictured above)

Last year I made a commitment to be kind to myself. I realized I was always putting myself last and expecting more and more from my already exhausted self. My body was weak and my health was deteriorating. My work and family life were chaotic and filled with stress. Be Kind to Yourself became my mantra. I no longer beat myself up emotionally for my shortcomings and suddenly I began losing weight. It really was pretty unintentional and I was surprised the first time I noticed the drop in weight on the scale at the doctor’s office. My clothes started to loosen up and I started weighing myself each week and found that I was losing about a pound a week. Soon I decided to give myself a goal of losing 52 pounds in 52 weeks starting with my last recorded high in March 2014. After the New Year I was looking to strengthen my body. I had an illness several years before that left me with little muscle mass. In August I also had a neck and shoulder injury that made it difficult to even pick up my phone. I wanted to try a Barre class since they focus on legs and Erin’s fitness page appeared in my Facebook newsfeed. I took the plunge and hit my goal within weeks of joining.

Working out with Erin at EM Fitness was exactly what I needed to take my mantra of Be Kind to Yourself to the next level. Now, I don’t think anyone who has hauled their butt out of bed at 4 am to attend Erin’s hour long all-out assault on their gluts would refer to it as Kind. But EM Fitness was taking me to the next level, Be Good to Yourself. I chose to do what was good for me, not what was easy. I just had that one hour to give my body what it desperately needed, strength and endurance. I ended up taking five classes a week. Though I had gotten a few comments about looking better and I was able to squeeze into the next size down after losing 50lbs, I have never seen results like I got right off the bat with Erin. Within days of working out people were constantly commenting on how great I was doing. I had lost 50 and about one size in a year, but with Erin I lost a little over a pound a week and dropped FOUR SIZES!! Everything was tightening up, I was getting stronger, and my health was improving.

Seven weeks in Erin posts her 30 day challenge. God help me I signed up and immediately regretted my decision. But, after making my body do unbelievable things every day I was ready to give it the fuel it deserved. Honestly, I probably would have paid just to have someone plan my meals! The food is so delicious and my whole family got involved in cooking together. My 11 year old daughter told me she loved it when we all prepared dinner together. It really is a great way to stay connected and hear everyone’s stories from the day. I slept better than I have in, well…actually better than I have slept in my entire life! I was more rested on 6 hours a night than when I was getting 8+ and heading home on my lunch breaks to take a nap. I kept shedding the inches as I watched all those fat stores disappear one roll and jiggle at a time. I don’t think I truly realized how much Erin had done for me until I had no other choice than to use what was easily the scariest port-a-potty I had ever been in. Thank you Chair Pose and Wall Sits! Oh how I desperately wanted to get out of chair pose in class and how many times I cursed and swore when after doing 30 or so wall sits I heard “now give me 12” (you’ve got to be kidding me!) followed by “now stay low…don’t stand up!” (WHAT?!) But when it was all on the line and my bladder was screaming about the 64+ ounces I had drank over the last hour of our road trip I literally exclaimed, “bless you Erin!” as I easily and comfortably hovered inches over that terrifying seat.

During the 30 day challenge I dropped 6 pounds and 23.5 inches. The last time I weighed this much the clothes I wore were THREE SIZES LARGER! Talk about recipes and work outs designed to trim the fat and lean you out! Though I took before photos, I have been searching for some I wouldn’t mind being on Facebook. This is where the big eye opener was. I have almost no photos of myself and if I do I’m hiding behind someone. It’s as if I don’t exist in my own life. I’m a little over a quarter of the way to my next goal. I’m being kind and good to myself and I have the confidence and energy to show up in my own life. It took me 11 months to take it up a notch and put myself in Erin’s hands. In just 11 weeks she has challenged me EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. And I have seen results that will last because it’s not just weight loss, its muscle gain, new habits, and a near addiction to these classes.

To see MORE before and afters from previous 30 day programs click HERE

To learn about the next 30 Day "Sweating For Summer Fitness Program!!!!" STARTING MONDAY MAY 11TH, click HERE

1 comment:

  1. This beautiful courageous blonde is my baby girl and I'm so proud!! You deserve kindness, goodness, and tenderness for all the kind, good, and tender things you do for everyone around you. Cheering you on, Mom xo
