I have been talking a lot with Members about certain “lies” we’re told by the world and ourselves for years that it is time to shake.
One, is that motivation just comes to us one day filling us with this magical energy that carries us through great change. While for some, a dramatic event in life can cause this shift in perception where motivation is created but most often motivation is set fire within us when we decide to dig deep and take action.
Even when we have doubts and we “don’t feel like it” or it’s “hard”. Taking action gives you momentum. Things in motion stay in motion.
Opening my mind to let what motivation really is sink in changed my life. It is not reserved for those “perfect people” over there with everything going for them.
We ARE the perfect people.
We ARE the ones with everything going for us if we but choose to claim greatness for ourselves by taking action every day.
Motivation will come. Grace and flow will follow. Let it. Claim the greatness that is yours by letting go of all false and limiting beliefs surrounding motivation.
Knowing it is a choice is empowering and available to each of us.
Spread Only What You Believe In
You can spend your time condemning what you feel is wrong in this world OR you can spend your time/energy spreading what you believe to be beneficial and support those you feel are making the world a better place.
With your time, energy and currency you are constantly casting your vote of what you want to see more of in this world.

Still need a little extra motivation, VISION BOARDS ARE AWESOME!!!! MAKE ONE TODAY!
I find that visualization is an extremely powerful tool, and it has helped me boost my motivation level numerous times.
I like using visualization while working out, when getting ready to workout and even after a training session.
So why not use my creativity and portray my ideas on paper?
By choosing pictures and texts that stimulate your emotions with feelings of passion, you get to see “the big picture” in a single glance. How exciting is that? Your own personalized work of art, reminding you of your ambitions; a clear picture of your dreams and goals giving your subconscious mind a voice!
Your personal vision board is only limited by the extent of your own creativity.
What you will need:
Magazine cut-outs or other pictures that inspire you (printed from your computer…)
Clip out words, phrases and anything else that motivates you
Poster board
A big smile on your face
Ready? Set? Go!
Grab some magazines and markers and channel your inner artist. I’ll be making my own board this month!
Your tips are remarkable. I regularly read your blog and its very helpful.
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